Вставьте правильный вариант
1. His hair...(is/are) black. He wears..(it/them) long. 2.1 don't remember if Helen's hair..(is/are) short. 3. Whose hair.. (is/are) red?-(It/They)... (is/are)... Mike's. 4. My dad has beautiful hair. (It/They)...(is/are) thick and curly. 5. What colour (is/are)... your grandfather's hair?-It (was/were)... black, but (it/they)... is white now.
There is a spider in the bath.
There is a table in the classroom.
There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
There isn't any sugar in my coffee.
There isn't a tree in the garden.
Is there a dog in the supermarket?
Is there a security guard in the shop?
is there any ice-cream in the freezer?
There are some nice chairs in the living room.
There are some cats on the roof.
There are only a week until my birthday.
There aren't any people at the party.
There aren't any trees in my street.
There aren't any elephants in the zoo.
Are there any dogs in the park?
Are there any polar bear in Antarctica?
Are there any monkeys in the zoo?
1 bath toys- игрушки для ванны
2 brush- расчестка
3 comb- гребень
4 cotton balls
5 curling iron-плойка
6 dental floss- зубная нить
7 electronic razor- эл. бритва
8 first aid kit- аптечка
9 hair dryer- фен
10 Q-tip
11 mouth wash- опласкиватель для рта
13 razor- бритва
14 scale- весы
15 lotion- лосьен
16 shampoo- шампунь
17 shower- душ
18 sink- раковина
19 soap-мыло
20 tissue- бумажные плоточки
21 toilet-туалет
22 toilet paper- туалетная бумага
23 tooth brush- зубная щетка
24 tooth paste- зубная паста
25 towel- банное полотенце
My little brother still playing with bath toys while I wash him
Where is toilet paper?
I clean my teeth with toothbrush.
I need to buy soap, shampoo and lotion.
I brush my hair with comb.