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Dear students,
I’m writing to remind you about our picnic.
Best wishes,
Mrs. Snow
Dear Mrs. Snow,
Thank you for your email about the picnic. I would like to find out about the following details.
1. How many friends/invite? - How many friends can I invite?
2. When/have??
3. What/bring??
4. Where/ meet??
Have a nice day,
…………………….(Your name)
2. He is said to be afraid of someone. Говорят, что он боится кого-то.
3. Several other houses are supposed to have been built by him. Полагают, что несколько других домов были построены им.
He is supposed to have built several other houses. Полагают, что он построил несколько других домов.
4. The car is seemed to have broken down. Машина кажется сломалась.
5. He appears to have told lies about me. Оказывается он говорил обо мне неправду(ложь)
6. She is certain to get the scholarship.Она определённо получит стипендию.
2) This film is worth watching, because the main character of it is very cute.
3) "Pride and Prejudice" is worth reading because every girl should remember all actions of Elizabeth to become a true woman.
4) This song is worth downloading, because you can run while it's sounding.
5) this workbook is worth buying, because you can find all GCSE tasks there.
6) this dark-blue jeans is worth buying, because you are so slim in it!
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