Вы получили письмо от своего друга по переписке по-английски Мэри, который пишет:
… На неделе наша страна праздновала День Независимости. У нас был семейный ужин. Мы хорошо провели время. Вечером мы смотрели салют. Я знаю, что русские люди празднуют День Победы. Что ваша страна празднует в этот день? А когда? Как вы провели этот День Победы? Гордитесь ли вы этим днем и почему?
Написать письмо Мэри. В своем письме ответь на ее во Напишите 100-120 слов. Помните правила написания письма.
1) In older times it ..TOOK .people weeks to travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Now it...TAKES us from 1.5 to 8 hours. 2) I am going to the shops. It .WILL TAKE..me rather a long time to buy everything I need. Don't wait for me. 3) It ..HAS TAKEN .people a long time to understand that the future of our planet is in danger. 4) Yesterday it..TOOK. us half an hour to clean the classroom and decorate it for the holiday. 5) How long ..WILL it TAKE .you to finish writing the story? Will it be ready tomorrow? 6) It never .TAKES/ HAS never TAKEN..me longer than 20 minutes to do my room. I do it very quickly. 7) Last year it..TOOK. the Browns two weeks to find a nice house in the country. 8) It usually ..TAKES .my father about an hour to get home from work. 9) My brother has just become a student. It .TOOK..him five years to complete his university course. 10) How long .HAS it TAKEN /DID it TAKE (зависит от ситуации).. you to learn English? You speak it very well.
profession nanny
this profession can rightly be considered one of the oldest, and the work of a nanny is similar to the work of a teacher. the nanny teaches, monitors the daily routine and nutrition, is responsible for the moral, mental and physical health of his ward.
consider the main types of nannies:
• daytime, working with children from morning to evening. she takes the child to school, groups, takes him out of class, deals with him, can cook food. if such a nanny is invited to a preschooler, then her duties include walking for hours, organizing proper nutrition, developing games and activities;
• night, which will be with the child from 8 pm until the morning. such a babysitter can be invited for the whole night or for a few hours;
• a nanny living in an employer's apartment provides round-the-clock child care;
• a housekeeper who combines childcare with housekeeping.
we can single out a seasonal nanny who works with the child during the holidays, and an evening babe who will pick up the child from school, staying with him until her parents return from work. a separate category is to include nurse guards, who in addition to education are responsible for ensuring the security of their ward.