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26.04.2021 19:51 •  Английский язык

Выберите грамматически верный вариант ответа. Рассматриваемые грамматические явления: условные предложение, модальные глаголы.
4. It … wonderful if he had said that. But he didn't.
1. was 2. will be 3. would be 4. would have been
5. We'll go to the theatre to-night if we ... the tickets.
1. get 2. will get 3. are getting 4. would get
6. If I had some spare time I ... Spanish.
1. would learn 2. learn 3. will learn 4. have learnt
7. If I had known when your birthday was, I ... you a present.
1. bought 2. would buy 3. will buy 4. would have bought
8. What will you do if your computer ... ?
1. won't work 2. don't work 3. doesn't work 4. wasn't working
10. We ... all try to find a solution to the problem.
1. have 2. must 3. are able 4. are
11. He isn't in. He … be out for lunch.
1. has 2. is able 3. must 4. need
12. You ... to read this book in the original.
1. are 2. must 3. can 4. may
13. You ... drive alone at night.
1. shouldn't 2. haven't 3. ought 4. aren't
14. He is late, the car … have broken down again.
1. ought 2. could 3. should 4. must
15. You ... help me, I can do it myself.
1. don’t have 2. are 3. needn't 4. ought
16. She … to join you tomorrow.
1. can 2. will be able 3. might 4. could
17. The train ... to leave at 11 o'clock.
1. must 2. is 3. should 4. could
18. You ... call on him tomorrow.
1. are 2. have 3. will be able 4. should
19. You ... be lucky enough to buy tickets for tonight's performance.
1. might 2. ought 3. need 4. have
20. You ... to use personal computers on a plane.
1. can't 2. are not allowed 3. needn't 4. shouldn't
21. I ... buy a newspaper because the shop wasn't open.
1. needn't 2. couldn't 3. didn't have 4. shouldn't
22. He ... have already left.
1. must 2. is 3. need 4. was able
23. You ... speak to him right away.
1. should 2. have 3. are 4. will be able
24. You ... have watered the flowers. It looks like raining.
1. should 2. needn't 3. can't 4. could
25. We ... to start off at dawn.
1. could 2. were 3. should 4. must
26. I … to wear glasses. I don't see well.
1. have 2. should 3. am 4. am able
27. You ... have been very cold when you were out skiing.
1. ought 2. must 3. should 4. need
28. You ... say anything if you don't want to.
1. couldn't 2. ought not 3. aren't able 4. needn't
29. The museum is very interesting. You ... visit it.
1. are able 2. should 3. had 4. are
30. I ... to go to the bank yesterday to get some money.
1. have 2. must 3. had 4. might
31. She ... be a very good actress. Everybody knows her.
1. can 2. must 3. has 4. need
32. He ... already have heard about it.
1. may 2. has 3. need 4. ought
33. You ... to pass the exam. You've done a lot of revision.
1. can 2. ought 3. has 4. should
34. She ... have been very upset when you told her the news.
1. need 2. must 3. ought 4. shall
35. His train ... be late because it's always on time.
1. might 2. can't 3. has to 4. need
36. I ... have left my umbrella on the train.
1. ought 2. need 3. might 4. shall
37. There ... to be a discussion later on.
1. was 2. must 3. have 4. are allowed
38. You ... have sent the fax yesterday. Today it's too late.
1. should 2. needn't 3. may 4. must

39. She is late for class. She ... have overslept.
1. might 2. should 3. ought 4. need
40. I ... do the work today; so I have plenty of time.
1. couldn't 2. ought not 3. wasn't able 4. needn't

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08.02.2022 23:21

28th October

Dear Willy,

Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you. I'm sony

didn't to you for ages.

I am on a school trip to Russia at the moment. I have got lots of

exciting things to tell you. One of them is about a picnic in Kolomenskoye

park where my Russian friends and i went last Sunday. The weather was warm and sunny. We get to the park at noon and found an ideal

place for a picnic on the hill with a great view of the Russian church.

Firstly, we helped Viad's parents put the blankets and deck chairs on

the soft green grass. Viad's mother took a great picnic basket with

lots of great things in it such as chicken rolls, sandwiches, lemonade and

cakes. After lunch we all went to fly kites. It was windy and soon our

kites were high in the sky like big bright birds. You know, my hobby is

flying kites, that is why my kite was the highest of all.

Viad has got a pet dog. It ran about and wanted to play with us, So.

when we went with the kites we began to throw the ball to Viad's

dog. Then we played football and badminton. Vlad's mum had a camera

and took pictures of all of us to keep unforgettable memories of the

wonderful day we spent in Kolomenskoye.

Best wishes,


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24.02.2022 19:41

I was very hungry when I came back home. I had nоt had anything to eat … the day. during

The Chairman of the Board gave a long speech. He spoke … two hours. for

It rained … two days without stopping. for

Public transportation in New York was seriously affected … the strike last year. during

The phone rang two times … I was having breakfast. while

There were a few breaks … the Prime Minister speech. during

My sister read lots of books … she was ill. while

My mother was so angry with me that she did not speak to me … almost ten days. for

I saw something interesting … I was waiting for the train. while

Angela has not lived in London all her life. She lived in Kingston … seven years. for

0,0(0 оценок)
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