Выберите предложение c глаголом в Present Perfect. 1. a) Tom watched TV yesterday.
b) We have a dog.
c) The have already been abroad.
2. a) My granny did not buy a table.
b) She is not a student.
c) His sister has not read a book.
3. a) I lost my ball yesterday.
b) Kate has given me three books already.
c) He is working now.
4. a) I have visited this museum already.
b) They were planting trees.
c) We were at work yesterday.
5. a) Did you clean the window yesterday?
b) Were they happy together?
c) Has your brother been to Paris?
1.В пустыне очень трудно выжить без еды и воды.
2.Машина соскользнула с мокрой дороги и врезалась в дерево.
3.Молния вспыхивает по небу и ударяется о дерево на вершине холма.
4.Он пристегивается на сиденье перед запуском двигателя
5.Он упал с балкона и ему повезло избежать серьезных травм.
6.Она изо всех сил старалась остаться в живых, пока команда не нашла её.
1.Колючка на кусте дала Джейн царапину на ноге.
2. У Джейка была большая шишка на голове после удара по столу.
3.У мужчины была сломана кость.
4.У солдата был большой порез на ноге, который заразился.
5.Мяч ударил меня и оставил большой черный синяк на моем плече.
I'd like to describe picture number 1.İn this picture I can see a family.There are three of them:a father,a mother and a baby. They are doing this photo for memory.Everybody of them is smiling, because they are happy.They are wearing white clothes.Their family look is beautiful! The father and the mother are very young, they are about 25 years old.The woman is rather pretty,her smile is charming.The man is also handsome and I think he is very strong.The baby is very charming.
İ like this picture because I like happy people.