Выборочное чтение. Найдите в текстах ответы на вопросы, прочитайте ещё раз
Запишите ответы.
1-я подгруппа: Что такое Рóдина для человека?Какие природные богатства есть только в Казахстане? Какой страной стал Казахстан?
2-я подгруппа: Чем богат Казахстан? Выпишите из текста выделенные слова (существительные). Преобразуйте их в единственное число.
Обменяйтесь информацией в группах.
Hello! Thank you for your letter!
Now I am in New-York. We got there by plain. It is the city which never slept and the city of the skyscrapers. We visited a lot of attractions. Every day we walk in a famous central park which was used in many Hollywood movies. There are a lot of hotels and restaurants. In the evening we walk in the streets and see different interesting people and places. It is great. I will never forget my journey.
Have you ever been to New York? Have you ever been to the USA?
Sorry. I have to go now.
Write me soon.
Present Continuous
1-Listen! I think the telephone is ringing.
2-Mrs. Smoth is playing the piano in the hall.
3-Grandmother is having rest in her bedroom.
4-Be quiet, I am thinking.
5-Jane isn't working, she's reading a book.
6-I see that you're wearing your new skirt today.
7-Jack is not in his room, he's having a bath.
8-I'm waiting for my boss.
9-Who's making that terrible noise?- It's Roger. He's practising the violin.
10-I am busy, I'm writing a letter.
11-It's snowing, put on your coat.
12-The plane is flying at 3,000 metres.