Выпиши из текста предложения с глаголами в форме причастия, герундия или сослагательного наклонения. this engine differs from the four-stroke engine in having one working stroke during each complete revolution of the crankshaft. during the inward stroke of the piston a port leading to the crankcase is uncovered and the explosive mixture of air and fuel is drawn into the crankcase. on beginning its outward stroke, the inlet port is soon covered, and the mixture is compressed in the crankcase to pressure of about 20 lb. per sq. in. as the outer dead- centre is approached the exhaust port is opened, and shortly afterwards another port opens, which allows the partially compressed charge of gas to enter the cylinder, driving out the exhaust gas before it. a baffle in the piston top directs the unburnt charge to the top of the cylinder, thus preventing undue loss through mixing with the exhaust gas. the gas is compressed on the inward stroke and is exploded as the piston reaches inner dead-centre.
I always go shopping with a shopping list and only buy things that are on that list. - Я всегда хожу в магазин со списком покупок и покупаю только то, что есть в списке.
I usually go to buy groceries in the nearest supermarket. - Обычно я покупаю продукты в ближайшем супермаркете.
Department stores have many different departments: haberdashery, headwear, perfumery, stationеry, leather goods, sports goods, etc. - В универмагах есть много разных отделов: галантерея, головные уборы, парфюмерия, канцелярские товары, кожаные изделия, спортивные товары и т. д.
Some people enjoy window shopping. - Некоторым нравится ходить и рассматривать витрины магазинов.
More and more people prefer online-shopping to shopping in malls. - Всё больше и больше людей предпочитают онлайн-шопинг покупкам в торговых центрах.