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The ENIAC (1943-1946)
The first all-electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) was developed at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania. It was developed as a result of a military need. J.PresperEckert and John Mauchly proposed the machine to solve the problem of calculating firing tables for new weapons.
The ENIAC weighed 90 tons, its 18.000 vacuum tubes demanded 140 kilowatts of electric power. Although it was fully electronic, the ENIAC had two major shortcomings: it could store and manipulate only a very limited amount of information, and its programs were wired on board. Since its programs were hardwired — that is, the programs operating the computer were established by physically changing the patterns of the wires interconnecting the vacuum tubes — the machine was not so flexible in operation. These limitations made it difficult to detect errors and to change the programs. And yet, the project was successful and the ENIAC was used for many years to solve ballistic problems.
Winter - a strange time, when the earth vkutuyetsya in white blanket , and nature falls asleep in anticipation of future dreams spring awakening. Hearts of many writers , poets and artists have been touched beauty of Russian winter. So many famous products of devoted this time of year . Just recall the famous lines of Pushkin's "Winter ! Farmer , triumphantly , drovnyah updates on the way ... "
And, in fact , really , winter - a solemn state of mind. A white blanket of snow, snow caps on trees, sparkling icicles on roofs - all this creates a raised, cheerful mood. Nature looks elegantly and gracefully . Of course , this beauty is cold. It is no accident because the cold is legendary Russian phenomenon. But despite the cold, the snow sparkling becomes warm and happy inside.
Winter has always been the most beautiful time of the year zavoevyvaly heart writers, poets , artists ... The literature and art of this period is associated with a variety of "snow" motives: ukutani in white hats forests, fluffy white curtains in the fields, sleigh that penetrate through high snow . Indeed, the winter in our understanding - a cold, covered with a crust of ice lakes and rivers, which is so cute and beautifully seated fishermen, who slept nature, ukutana white blanket.
Winter - my favorite time of year. Maybe because this time nature becomes elegant and festive. Maybe that winter - a magical time when it comes to Christmas and New Year . But winter is always nice to look out the window , admiring the snow-covered city. Nice to walk through parks and gardens , listening to the snow crunches underfoot. It's nice to play snowball fight with your friends. In short , winter can not but affect the heart strings .
I love winter. They are poetic and beautiful , they touch the strings of the soul. What if the weather outside is.
Уильям Шекспир, величайший английский писатель драмы, родился в 1564 году в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне. Мы не знаем всего о жизни Шекспира. Но мы знаем, что он учился в гимназии в Стратфорде, и эта ложь заинтересовала театр, когда ложь была еще мальчиком. В 1586 году Шекспир отправился в Лондон, где несколько лет работал в театре, прежде чем начал писать собственные пьесы. Вскоре Шекспир стал известен в лондонских литературных Эрлах. Каждая пьеса, которую он написал, была хорошей новостью для столицы. Королеве Элизабет нравились пьесы Шекспира, а актеров часто приглашали играть перед Королевой, а позже перед королем Джеймсом - большая честь в те времена. К концу 16 века в Шекспира и его друзей было достаточно денег, чтобы построить собственный театр - знаменитый театр «Глобус». Но не следует думать, что у Шекспира не было трудностей в жизни. Менее талантливые писатели, в которых пьесы были хуже его, часто ссорились с Шекспиром и нападали на него, актеры в его собственном театре иногда оборачивались против него. Люди в нашей стране любят и уважают Шекспира. Многие говорят, что они любят его за его замечательный оптимизм: в светлых комедиях и даже в трагедиях он, похоже, обещает лучшем и светлом будущем для всего человечества.