Выпишите сказуемое; определите видовременную форму и залог глагола сказуемого, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. High yields were obtained last summer.
2. The farm has supplied the citizens with onions, cucumbers and
3. Next year more food products will be produced.
4. This crop grows very well in our region.
5. Many new achievements of biology have been used in agriculture.
It is the official language of the Russian Federation, Belarussia, Kazahstan, Kyrgizstan.
Over 145 million people speak Russian as a first language .
People understand Russian in Lithania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Poland, Azerbajdjan, Armenia, Tajikistan.
Over 100 million people speak Russian as a second language.
The origin of my language: Russian is a Slavic language of the Indo-European family.
Languages that contributed to my language are Latin, Greek, English, Geman,French.
English words in my language are the following: computer, notebook, reception, user, looser, laptop, manager.
Easy things for an English person to say in my language are the following: sputnik, babushka, mama, papa.
Difficult things for an English person to say in my language are the following:
idioms, phraseologizms, sayings and ptoverbs.
People should learn Russian because there are literary masterpieces written in Russian, it is a language of the largest country in the world with rich and beautiful culture and history.
It is the official language of Russian Federation, Belarussia, Kazahstan, Kyrgizstan
Over 145 million people speak Russian as a first language .
People understand Russian in Lithania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukrain, Poland, Azerbajdjan, Armenia, Tajikistan.
Over 100 million people speak Russian as a second language
The origin of my language is Romanian languages.
Languages that contributed to my language are Latin, Greek, English, Geman
English words in my language are the following: computer, notebook, reception, user, looser, laptop
Easy things for an English person to say in my language are the following: sputnik, babushka, mama, papa
Difficult things for an English person to say in my language are the following: balalajka, perestrojka.
People should learn Russian because there are literature masterpieces written in Russian, that all people must read in original (such as "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky)