Выпишите сказуемые и определите их время. Lucy ran out of the empty room into the passage and found the other three. “It’s all right,” she repeated, “I’ve comeback.” “What on earth are you talking about, Lucy?” asked Susan. “Why? said Lucy in amazement, “haven’t you all been wondering where I was?” “So you’ve been hiding, have you?” said Peter. “Poor old Lu, hiding and nobody noticed! You’ll have to hide longer than that if you want people to start looking for you.” “But I’ve been away for hours and hours,” said Lucy. The others all stared at one another. “Batty!” said Edmund, tapping his head. “Quite batty.” “What do you mean, Lu?” asked Peter. “What I said,” answered Lucy. “It was just after breakfast when I went into the wardrobe, and I’ve been away for hours and hours, and had tea, and all sorts of things have happened.” “Don’t be silly, Lucy,” said Susan. “We’ve only just come out of that room a moment ago, and you were there then.” “She’s not being silly at all,” said Peter, “she’s just making up a story for fun, aren’t you, Lu? And why shouldn’t she?” “No, Peter, I’m not,” she said. “It’s—it’s a magic wardrobe. There’s a wood inside it, and it’s snowing, and there’s a Faun and a Witch and it’s called Narnia; come and see.” The others did not know what to think, but Lucy was so excited that they all went back with her into the room. She rushed ahead of them, flung open the door of the wardrobe and cried, “Now! go in and see for yourselves.” “Why, you goose,” said Susan, putting her head inside and pulling the fur coats apart, “it’s just an ordinary wardrobe; look! there’s the back of it.” Then everyone looked in and pulled the coats apart; and they all saw—Lucy herself saw—a perfectly ordinary wardrobe. There was no wood and no snow, only the back of the wardrobe, with hooks on it. Then everyone looked in and pulled the coats apart; and they all saw—Lucy herself saw—a perfectly ordinary wardrobe. There was no wood and no snow, only the back of the wardrobe, with hooks on it. Peter went in and rapped his knuckles on it to make sure that it was solid. “A jolly good hoax, Lu,” he said as he came out again; “you have really taken us in, I must admit. We half believed you.” “But it wasn’t a hoax at all,” said Lucy, “really and truly. It was all different a moment ago. Honestly it was. I promise.” “Come, Lu,” said Peter, “that’s going a bit far. You’ve had your joke. Hadn’t you better drop it now?” Lucy grew very red in the face and tried to say something, though she hardly knew what she was trying to say, and burst into tears.
Красноногого ибиса также называют японским. Является Эукариотом. Относится к типу Хордовых, отряду Аистообразных, семейству Ибисовых. Образует отдельный вид. Это эксцентричная птица. С необычным окрасом и строением тела.
Гнезда сооружают среди высокоствольных рощ. Кладут до 4-х яиц, которые высиживает пара посменно. Птенцы появляются через 28 дней. По истечении 40 дней, они могут уже вставать на крыло. Молодые особи живут рядом с родителями до осени. Потом присоединяются к стаям.
Красноногого ибиса принято считать моногамной птицей, однако достоверной информации об этой особенности нет.
Существует традиционный японский цвет под названием тохикаиро, что дословно можно перевести как «цвет пера японского ибиса».
Красноногий ибис – официальный символ японского региона Ниигата, а также городов Вадзима и Садо.
Вид причислен к редкому виду, граничащему с вымиранием. Внесен в Красную книгу и является подохранным таксоном.
Tunneling electrons don't change the gate's electronic charge in "a flash". False
NAND flash reads and writes chaotically at high speed handling data in small blocks called pages. False
Moving many small files could further upgrade transfer rates. True
USB drives encapsulate flash with a memory controller in a bog package, offering high capacity, quick transfer rates, flexibility and much convenience. False
Memory cards have evolved from the match book-size Compact Flash cards introduced in 1994. True
Solid state drives, the newest flash memory application can replace a computer's flash memory drive. True
Traditional hard drives currently offer greater capacity but for a higher price. False
Flash memory is usually inside your smartphone, but outside GPS, mP3 player and other devices. False
Solid state drives using flash memory don't always replace hard drives in netbooks and PC's. False