Drama is a sad film genre that describes someone's grief and misfortune and how he is afraid with him or about sad love depends on the content and plot of the film. Comedy is a hilarious film genre, the title itself recalls the jokes in films and its style of humor. Comedy can be both adult and childish. Comedy is also hard and soft. For example, in cartoons there is violence and it can be fun for someone, it is called hard humor and they also call it black. And soft humor is ordinary jokes without any violence.
Drama is a sad film genre that describes someone's grief and misfortune and how he is afraid with him or about sad love depends on the content and plot of the film. Comedy is a hilarious film genre, the title itself recalls the jokes in films and its style of humor. Comedy can be both adult and childish. Comedy is also hard and soft. For example, in cartoons there is violence and it can be fun for someone, it is called hard humor and they also call it black. And soft humor is ordinary jokes without any violence.
ну, вот что ли...
1. little money (
2. little money
3. few chairs
4. little chairs
5. few songs
6. not much water
7. few people (хотя можно сказать "couple of people" - было бы намного лучше, но в условиях, к сожалению, нельзя употреблять дополнительные слова)
8. little water
9. few chairs
10. few minutes (хотя можно сказать "couple of minutes" - тоже еще один варинат)
11. few cats (хотя можно сказать "couple of cats" - тоже еще один варинат
12. few days (хотя можно сказать "couple of days" - тоже еще один варинат
13. little work
14. little sugar
15. few eggs
16. little cheese.