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23.11.2022 10:27 •  Английский язык

, выполнить английский! VI. a) Write the interrogative and negative forms of the following sen tences. b) Ask and answer questions on the following statements as in the model. Use the Present Perfect Tense. Add a sentence or two to develop a situation.

M o d e l : He has already repaired the iron. Has he repaired the cassetterecorder yet? No, he hasn’t. But he is sure to do it soon.

1. Mary has already ironed the tablecloth. 2. I have already turned off the light. 3. The girls have already done the room. 4. It takes me long to prepare for my English lesson. 5. It has taken Peter five minutes to shave. 6. We are going to the skatingrink after classes. 7. My sister is very good at sewing. 8. Peter is go ing to repair our TVset. 9. We are going for a walk after classes. 10. I must do some knitting today.

VII. a) Write questions to the parts of the sentences in bold type. b) Each sentence describes a situation in a concise way. Find out some more details about it by asking questions. Work in pairs:

1. I have dinner at two. 2. I leave for the Institute at eight o’clock. 3. I go to the Institute by bus. 4. It has taken me three hours to do my homework. 5. David has already repaired the radio. 6. It has taken me a fortnight to knit this sweater. 7. I am going to have some practice in intonation at the laboratory. 8. I am going to the theatre today. 9. Robert is going to press his coat. 10. I do my room with a vacuumcleaner once a week. 11. You needn’t switch on the light, it is quite light. 12. Mary has gone to bed. 13. It takes me a quarter of an hour to have breakfast. 14. I take a bath every morning. 15. I go to the Insti tute by Metro. 16. We are going to the skatingrink. 17. I do my hair with a comb.

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24.01.2023 00:12
В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше – East or West, Home is best15.04.2011According to the definition of the dictionary, "East or West, Home is best" is a proverb that means "Home is the best place to be no matter where it is". I like to travel and spend my free time outdoors but anyway I will certainly come back home. "My home is my castle", that is true! Travelling is interesting it helps me to enrich my knowledge, and I can see or learn something new. I like to make visits to my friends, to chat with them. We have common tastes in many things. We listen to the familiar groups, read the same magazines and we like speaking on different topics. When I come to my friends, we sit comfortably at the table, drink hot tea and eat cakesand discuss music, teachers, books, films or news. This is for fun, just to relax and to communicate with someone, for example my friends. But it is important to stay apart for some moments and think about your life sitting at home.My home is my life, my family and my success. My home is happy smiles of my son and my husband. They are with me and this is "My Home".My home`s silence and its every corner is the peaceful backwater where I can shelter myself and think about myself and analyse my behavior in some situations. And for some reason, peace of my home leads me to the confidence; I take a detached view of myself and think: "All in all, I was not right. It was necessary to count up to ten and tranquility would help me not to offend my best friend".I can find understanding, support, comfort and help at home that I will never find in another city, for example or at somebody`s place – home.Frankly speaking I like to make visits; I feel comfortable at somebody`s place but I am always eager to come home in spite of the fact that it might be very late. My home helps me to calm down and I should say that when I am at home I feel the presence of somebody who teachers me how to behave and what to do in this or that situation.
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23.11.2022 10:46

My name is Alexander. Well, I am 13 and live in a happy family made up of my mum, dad and my younger brother, Oleg, who is eight. My Dad Vladimir is an electrician and works at a plant. He fixes electric motors for factories. The job is ok I think but my dad always tells me to study better, so, I can get a different occupation when I am bigger. My mum, Natalie, works in a supermarket which is a useful job because she gets discounts on food and brings home tasty sweets and chocolate, occasionally new computer games which Oleg and I have never played before.

Oleg, my brother, is quite fun to have around. He is very smart and likes drawing much which is good but lately he has been a bit of a pain wanting to play my games on dad’s laptop. This leads to arguments sometimes and mum keeps telling me to share more with Oleg. I like going to meet my friends in the park after school. We practice with our skateboards doing tricks. However, every day I must pick up my brother and take care of him which means I have to bring him with me to the park. This is fine but he wants to do the same tricks as me and my friends but he is too small and sometimes scrapes his knee or hurts himself and mum, of course, punishes me when this happens and says that I should not let Oleg do it. But I’m proud that he does. No other eight years old in the neighbourhood can match him I’m certain!

I enjoy visiting my grandparents in the village. They are interesting and always tell me exciting stories. Best of all I like when we take our tent to the forest nearby and camp there. Dad makes a barbecue of meat and fish and mum brings pots of food from grandma. We play football and other games during a daytime. At night dad plays the guitar and we sing songs around our camp fire. Mum, dad and I and Oleg. I like my family; life is great!

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