Кэти: это была отличная вечеринка, не так ли? Но, боюсь, мне пора идти. Ты пойдешь со мной?"Венди: Да. Тогда давайте найдем наши пальто. Кэти: Смотри! Это пальто такое же, как у меня, но оно не мое! Венди: чье это пальто? Кэти: я думаю, это пальто Джейн. Я знаю, что он принадлежит ей. Венди: давай спросим ее. Джейн, это твое пальто? Джейн: конечно, это мое! *** Мать: Фрэнк, давай накроем стол к чаю в 5 часов (такова традиция англичан). Ты помнишь, чьи это чашки? Фрэнк: я не совсем уверен. Эта чашка-твоя, не так ли? Мама: Нет, это совсем не то, что у меня. Эта чашка гораздо больше. Он принадлежит твоему отцу. Фрэнк: Ну, хорошо. Это чашка Карен. А красная - моя. Мать: и все они наши, не так ли?
It was Halloween, and my friends and I gathered at my place. We decided to tell horror stories. Vanessa started with the first story, Peter was the next, and then the others went on. When it came to my turn, a nasty storm began. Suddenly, the lights went out. It frightened me and confused my friends as we couldn't see anything and we didn't know what was going on. Peter stroke a match and we noticed that Jenny wasn't there. Then we heard someone laughing in the kitchen and the lights came back on! Jenny came back into the room and told us that we were scared like little children. "No need to be worried. This isn't a haunted house, it was just a powerful cut!" she smiled. We all felt very silly.
It was Halloween, and my friends and I gathered at my place. We decided to tell horror stories. Vanessa started with the first story, Peter was the next, and then the others went on. When it came to my turn, a nasty storm began. Suddenly, the lights went out. It frightened me and confused my friends as we couldn't see anything and we didn't know what was going on. Peter stroke a match and we noticed that Jenny wasn't there. Then we heard someone laughing in the kitchen and the lights came back on! Jenny came back into the room and told us that we were scared like little children. "No need to be worried. This isn't a haunted house, it was just a powerful cut!" she smiled. We all felt very silly.