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This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children’s eyes. From the western half of the sky the sun was shying little golden disks at the sea — if you gazed intently enough you could see them skip from wave tip to wave tip until they joined a broad collar of golden coin that was collecting half a mile out and would eventually be a dazzling sunset. About half-way between the Florida shore and the golden collar a white steam-yacht, very young and graceful, was riding at anchor and under a blue-and-white awning aft a yellow-haired girl reclined in a wicker settee reading The Revolt of the Angels, by Anatole France.
She was about nineteen, slender and supple, with a spoiled alluring mouth and quick gray eyes full of a radiant curiosity. Her feet, stockingless, and adorned rather than clad in blue-satin slippers which swung nonchalantly from her toes, were perched on the arm of a settee adjoining the one she occupied. And as she read she intermittently regaled herself by a faint application to her tongue of a half-lemon that she held in her hand. The other half, sucked dry, lay on the deck at her feet and rocked very gently to and fro at the almost imperceptible motion of the tide.
The second half-lemon was well-nigh pulpless and the golden collar had grown astonishing in width, when suddenly the drowsy silence which enveloped the yacht was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps and an elderly man topped with orderly gray hair and clad in a white-flannel suit appeared at the head of the companionway. There he paused for a moment until his eyes became accustomed to the sun, and then seeing the girl under the awning he uttered a long even grunt of disapproval.
If he had intended thereby to obtain a rise of any sort he was doomed to disappointment. The girl calmly turned over two pages, turned back one, raised the lemon mechanically to tasting distance, and then very faintly but quite unmistakably yawned.
“Ardita!” said the gray-haired man sternly.
Ardita uttered a small sound indicating nothing.
“Ardita!” he repeated. “Ardita!”
Ardita raised the lemon languidly, allowing three words to slip out before it reached her tongue.
“Oh, shut up.”
Эта невероятная история начинается с моря, которое было голубым сном, таким же ярким, как голубые шелковые чулки, и под небом, таким же синим, как радужки детских глаз. С западной половины неба солнце бросало на море маленькие золотые диски — если вглядеться достаточно пристально, то можно было увидеть, как они перескакивают с одной волны на другую, пока не соединятся с широким воротом золотых монет, которые собирались в полумиле отсюда и в конце концов превратятся в ослепительный закат. Примерно на полпути между берегом Флориды и золотым воротником стояла на якоре белая паровая яхта, очень молодая и грациозная, а под бело-голубым навесом на корме желтоволосая девушка сидела на плетеном диванчике и читала "восстание Ангелов" Анатоля Франса.
Ей было около девятнадцати лет, стройная и гибкая, с испорченным соблазнительным ртом и быстрыми серыми глазами, полными лучезарного любопытства. Ее ноги, лишенные чулок и скорее украшенные, чем обутые в голубые атласные туфельки, которые небрежно покачивались на носках, сидели на подлокотнике дивана, примыкавшего к тому, который она занимала. И пока она читала, то и дело потчевала себя слабым прикосновением к языку половинки лимона, которую держала в руке. Другая половина, высосанная досуха, лежала на палубе у ее ног и очень мягко покачивалась взад и вперед при почти незаметном движении прилива.
Вторая половинка лимона была почти без мякоти, а золотой воротничок стал поразительно широк, как вдруг сонная тишина, окутавшая яхту, была нарушена звуком тяжелых шагов, и в начале трапа появился пожилой человек с аккуратными седыми волосами, одетый в белый фланелевый костюм. Там он остановился на мгновение, пока его глаза не привыкли к Солнцу, а затем, увидев девушку под навесом, издал долгий ровный стон неодобрения. Если он намеревался таким образом добиться какого-либо возвышения, то был обречен на разочарование. Девушка спокойно перевернула две страницы, перевернула одну, машинально поднесла лимон к губам, а потом очень слабо, но совершенно безошибочно зевнула.
- Ардита!-сурово сказал седовласый мужчина.
Ардита издала негромкий звук, не указывающий ни на что.
- Ардита!- повторил он. - Ардита!”
Ардита лениво подняла лимон, позволив вырваться трем словам, прежде чем они достигли ее языка.
- Ой, да заткнись ты.”
- Ардита!”

Показать ответ
04.06.2023 01:57



Dear Superintendents and School Leaders:

Nothing we have been through these past three months was in the training manual. Not in your

formal education, probably not in your lived experience, and certainly not faced by the system as a

whole. Thank you for your leadership in uncertain times, and thank you for the grace you have

shown our team at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) as we have tried to

listen to you and health experts in developing guidance and advocating on your behalf with the

Governor’s Office, legislators, and other critical education stakeholders.

Below is our initial fall reopening guidance. This guidance is grounded first and foremost in the

public health science and data provided by the state Department of Health (DOH). DOH is

providing the regulatory framework when it comes to hygiene, physical distancing, and other

public health considerations.

OSPI is complementing the DOH guidelines with reopening guidance derived from the 120+

person Reopening Washington Schools Workgroup—the listening and learning we have engaged

in with educators, education leaders, policymakers, parents, students, community-based

organizations; the international and national research done by our partner Kinetic West; and the

expertise of our staff in their respective fields. As such, the guidance both addresses public health

science and data and provides consideration for how reopening schools can further our call to

transform K–12 education to a system that is centered on closing opportunity gaps and is

characterized by high expectations for all students and educators.

The Workgroup was influenced by the civil unrest across the country in response to overt racial

injustice and inequality. We are educators. We know that despite real progress, educational systems

and institutions continue to contribute to racial inequality and injustice. We know that we have a

much higher responsibility than teaching content in classrooms. We know that each of us owns a

piece of injustice. We have an opportunity in the reopening of our schools to take another step

forward in what must be a lifetime of energy toward a more just world.

This guidance is grounded in my belief that the most equitable opportunity for educational success

relies upon the comprehensive supports for students provided in our schools with our professionals

and the systems of supports we have built. We will do this together, keeping student and staff

safety and well-being as our highest priority in the reopening. To be very clear, it is my

expectation that schools will open this fall for in-person instruction.

This guidance is specific to K–12 public and private schools, regardless of what Phase of the

Governor’s Safe Start Plan their county is in. Counties in Phases 1 or 1.5 of the Plan must receive

approval to reopen from their local health authority. Changing health conditions in a county or

region may cause a local health authority or even the Governor to have to reconsider this

opportunity to open, but the primary planning of most districts should be a presumption of a fall

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08.07.2022 05:49


1. He does not have a car. But he has a computer. The computer is new.

2. His friends have a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat.

3. This is a tree. The tree is green.

4. I see three boys. The boys play.

5. I have a bicycle. The bike is black. My friend does not have a bicycle.

6. Our room is big.

7. Yesterday we wrote a dictation. The dictation was long.

8. He has two daughters and one son. She is a critical student.

9. Last year I gave my mother a bracelet on her birthday. She liked the bracelet.

10. My friend has no dogs.

11. This pencil breaks. Give me this pencil, please.

12. He has no ball. The ball is big.

13. Yesterday I received a letter from my friend. The letter was interesting.

14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed in a hotel. Sometimes they ate at the hotel, and sometimes at the restaurant.

15. I have an idea.

16. What a surprise! The parents gave us a Christmas DVD player.

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