Выполнить упражнения в тетрадь
Упражнение 1. Выберите неправильные глаголы и запишите их 3ю форму (Past Participle).
To arrive, to give, to play, to understand, to blow, to prepare, to wash, to fall, to miss, to run, to know, to talk, to open, to do, to water, to teach, to iron, to brush, to pay, to say, to remember, to show, to speak, to gather.
Упражнение 2. Выберите правильный вариант.
I have/has watched this film.
We have began/begun the work.
Den have/has done his homework.
Molly has break/ broken her toy.
Julia and Betty have/has cut the vegetables.
He/we have paid for pizza.
You have/has ironed this dress.
Children have has/had supper.
I/she have switched off the light.
Martin has went/gone.
The girl has drew/drawn a nice picture.
You/he has returned from the trip.
They have/has gathered the harvest.
She/they has packed the things.
We have chose/chosen the present.
The train have/has arrived
- Tom, would you like to join one of the youth movements?
- For example?
- What do you think about "The Green Movement"?
- Well, maybe. I like nature. What about you?
- Me too. I'm sure that it cannot protect itself from such a greedy species as human beings. It needs help.
- Absolutelly agree with you.
- What about another movement? It is called "Young people for Peace"
- Nice name and great goals it has, I guess. Every sensible person on the Earth wants to live in peace. Me too.
- That's right. I've heard about one more movement - The Stay Healthy Monement.
-Oh, souds great. I'd like to to take part in it. I'm for healthy life. I'm really against smoking, drinking, drugs and so on.
- I think I'll join this movenemt. Are you with me?
- I'll think.
- ok. They have a meeting tomorrow at 6 pm. I'm going. We could come together.
- I'll call you tomorrow after a considerate thought about it. Talk to you tomorrow. I need to go now.
- Bye, till tomorrow.