1 Choosing one job out of the hundreds is going to be a hard choice, isn't it? 2 Can anybody choose a job for you? 3 What should you do before you can choose a career? 4 Do many young people consider teaching as a career? 5 Why do many young people consider teaching as a career? 6 Most teachers are very devoted to their work, aren't they? 7 Why is teaching a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent? 8 What are the most important things in the world? 9 Does a good teacher catalyze in his pupils love for the truth and beauty or ignorance and boredom? 10 Might teaching be the greatest of the arts? 11 What is the reason why humanity has the deepest respect for teachers? 12 Does humanity have the deepest respect for teachers?
Моя бабушка живёт в маленькой деревне.Деревня находится не далеко от Москвы.Там большая река в деревне и есть бассейн рядом с домом моей бабушки.Я не могу плавать в реке, но я могу плавать в бассейне. Посмотрите на мою картинку.Мои любимые выходные в этой деревне.Погода тёплая и солнечная.У моей бабушки есть хороший сад.Ты можешь увидеть много красивых цветов в саду.Мои любимые цветы - розы.У меня есть собака.Собаку зовут Пушок.Он не умеет лазить по деревьям,но он умеет плавать.Я могу играть с ним в саду и я могу плавать вместе с ним.
2 Can anybody choose a job for you?
3 What should you do before you can choose a career?
4 Do many young people consider teaching as a career?
5 Why do many young people consider teaching as a career?
6 Most teachers are very devoted to their work, aren't they?
7 Why is teaching a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent?
8 What are the most important things in the world?
9 Does a good teacher catalyze in his pupils love for the truth and beauty or ignorance and boredom?
10 Might teaching be the greatest of the arts?
11 What is the reason why humanity has the deepest respect for teachers?
12 Does humanity have the deepest respect for teachers?