выполните ВСЕ задания
Внизу дан текст после него во благотворительность 2) приблизительно 3) терпимый 4) телесный a) lenient b) abolish c) corporal d) approximately e) chances f) charities
Task 3. Match the numbers and the statements
1) 25,000- 30,000 2) l,300 3) 1572 4)16 5) 1440 a) Some of the Universities have been rearing the country's elite since then. b) Eton was founded. c) One year at a public school costs a British family. d)The number of private, or independent, schools in Britain today. e) Corporal punishment was abolished. f) Harrow was founded.
Task 4. Finish the sentences according to the text
1) There are two types of schools in the UK:...
2) Until very recently public schools were...
3) There are certainly some grants for bright students but.,.
4) Not all schools provide...
5) Schools in other countries proclaim ...
Task 6. Correct the wrong statements
1) As it was private money, the schools for the poor were called private schools.
2) To be able to go to a public school you need to be very clever, because education in them is traditionally very difficult.
3) The fact that you are an ex-Harrovian is some kind of General Certificate.
4) Eton stands apart from other public schools as having the best teaching stuff.
5) Rules at certain schools with old traditions require teenagers to do morning exercises every day and to jog in the evening.
Task 7. Choose the correct answer and prove it with the information from the text
1) Why are private schools in Britain called public?
a) Because these words are the synonyms.
b) Because it is a historic paradox.
2) Why do the British themselves prefer to send their children to private schools in other countries?
a) Because their schools are expansive and the discipline is very strict.
b) Because they want their children to get a new experience.
2) b) does he? Твой дед больше не занимается спортом, да?
3) c) isn't he? Наш учитель собирается составить новое расписание, что ли?
4) b) did he? Джоан никуда что ли не ходила вчера со своими иностранными гостями?
2. b) arrange Давай устроим пикник на выходных
2) d) stay Студенты будут проживать в британских семьях
3) I'll like to invite a ...of students to visit us.d) group С удовольствием приглашу группу студентов
4).c) was responsible Моя сестра отвечала за образовательную и развлекательную программы.
5) a) local На неделе местная команда ездила за границу.
4. 1) b) went Вчера Андрюша ходил в кино с приятелями.
2) b) are going На следующих выходных вобираемся устроить пикник.
3) b) stays Приезжая в Лондон, она останавливается у своих друзей.