Children enjoy playing since the first humans walked on the Earth thousands of years ago. Playing seems to be an important way for children to learn how to work together. It also helps them to find out how the world works. Indeed, many scientists think that one of the best ways for children to learn a foreign Language, for example, is to learn while playing games. Children play games and play with toys, but what is the differences between games and toys? Firstly, toys don't have/haven't rules or winners and losers most games do. Secondly, a toy is always a physical thing that someone has made. Some games, like Monopoly or football.
Бджоли раді цвіту, люди — літу. Улітку один тиждень рік годує. Два рази в році літо не буває. Bees are pleased to bloom, people - fly. Summer feeding one week a year. Twice a year, summer is not.