Wat Piston, who last year (to receive) a prize for his invention of the Piston Gas Fire, now (to invent) a new type of steam engine When I (to interview) him recently at his home in York he (to tell) me about it. 'I (to get) the idea from some work I (to do) many years ago for the Steam Preservation Society', he (to say). 'For years now, people (to think) that there is no future for steam as an everyday source of power. Indeed, after the railways (to stop) using steam engines people almost (to forget) about it .Yet steam (to be) the main source of power in this country for over 150 years, until World War Two. I always (to believe) that steam has a future as well as a past.' Piston is a remarkable man, who (to have) an unusual career. He (to leave) school when he was 15, and (not to have) any training as an engineer until he was 35. Yet now he (to design) a steam engine more efficient than any of the engines that (to be built) during the great age of steam. 'The engineers of the past (to be) great men', he says. 'But they (not to develop) the best possible steam engine. The techniques I (to invent) will change that.'
В наши дни, когда космос заселен людьми и Земля, как голубое маковое зерно, отчетливо видна с далеких планет, когда ежедневно стаи ракет уплывают с Земли в океан пустоты и возвращаются обратно, трудно представить себе пропажу космического корабля. Да еще такого корабля, как «Виктория»!.. «Виктория», краса звездного флота, фантастическая птица с гордо вздернутым вперед клювом, совершала броски в Ближний, Дальний и Конечный космос. Ее серо-стальные бока и крылья отполировал ветер разноцветных звезд; ее острый шпиль пронзал пустоту с беззаботной легкостью иглы, скользящей сквозь кусок ткани. Двигатели точно выводят «Викторию» к самой отдаленной цели, и гигантский лайнер причаливает с осторожностью шлюпки в порту незнакомой планеты, возле космической станции или у порога одноместного корабля астронавта, затерянного среди звезд. Сотни историй в судовом журнале о ближних и дальних рейсах «Виктории». Но этот рассказ – о последнем путешествии, когда корабль, попав случайно в беду, оказался достойным своего знаменитого имени-девиза: «Победа!» В космосе все на виду, словно в аквариуме. Телескопы, станции, спутники, корабли изучили звездный мир до мельчайшего «винтика». И ни один мастер небесной механики не мог, разумеется, предсказать, что первоклассный пассажирский лайнер исчезнет однажды в бесконечности из-за тайного обитателя трюмов, точнее – из-за обыкновенного грызуна. Однако в этой истории немало странного. И что еще важно: «Виктория» уточнила движение Стрелы времени: люди острее почувствовали, куда нацелен наконечник этой Стрелы, увидели разницу между и будущим Земли.
They have got a new video camera.
They haven't got a new video camera.
Have they got a new video camera? -Yes, they have.
I have a lot of work to do today.
I don't have a lot of work to do today.
Do I have a lot of work to do today? -Yes, I do.
He usually has lunch at the office.
He usually doesn't have lunch at the office.
Does he usually have lunch at the office? -No, he doesn't.
Pamela has a rest in Miami every summer.
Pamela doesn't have a rest in Miami every summer.
Does Pamela have a rest in Miami every summer? -Yes, she does.
Denis always has a good time with his friends.
Denis doesn't always have a good time with his friends.
Does Denis always have a good time with his friends? -Yes, he does.
My neighbours have got four children.
My neighbours haven't got four children.
Have my neighbours got four children? -No, they haven't.
I have breakfast in the kitchen.
I don't have breakfast in the kitchen.
Do I have breakfast in the kitchen? -Yes, I do.
I often have a talk with my father in the evening.
I don't often have a talk with my father in the evening.
Do I often have a talk with my father in the evening? -Yes, I do.
My cousin has got a nice little shop.
My cousin hasn't got a nice little shop.
Has my cousin got a nice little shop? -No, she hasn't.
This old man has got a lot of money.
This old man hasn't got a lot of money.
Has this old man got a lot of mone? -Yes, he has.
In summer we usually have fine weather.
In summer we don't usually have fine weather.
Do we usually have fine weather in summer? -Yes, we do.
Linda has a wonderful garden.
Linda doesn't have a wonderful garden.
Does Linda have a wonderful garden? -Yes, she does.