Watch the lesson video and then choose the correct answer: 1. C.S. Lewis was born * in 1888.
in the north of Irleland.
in Belfast.
Watch the lesson video and then choose the correct answer: 2.Apart from children's books, Lewis also wrote *
science fiction and poetry.
science books.
poems about science.
Watch the lesson video and then choose the correct answer: 3.'The Chronicles of Naria' is a series of books with *
talking animals
only human characters.
Watch the lesson video and then choose the correct answer: 4.Pable Picasso's father was *
a famous artist.
also a painter.
born in 1881.
Watch the lesson video and then choose the correct answer: 5.'Guernica' is on display at the Museo Reina Sofia in *
Watch the lesson video and then choose the correct answer: 6.The painting is almost 4 metres tall and *
4 metres wide
8 metres wide
18 metres wide
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: C.S. LEWIS was born in Belfast. As a child, Lewis was an 7)reader and skillful writer with a great imagination. *
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: Lewis is probably best 8) for his children's books. *
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: Picasso is famous for his paintings, but he was also a sculptor and 9) *
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences: Pablo Picasso is the twentieth century's most famous 10) *
New Year is the most long-awaited (долгожданный) holiday. Many people associate it with magic and gifts. First of all it is surrounded by the wonderful smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, which helps to create a festive mood (праздничное настроение). People of all ages truly (искренне) believe that in New Year their goals (цели) and wishes will come true.
Новый год – это самый долгожданный праздник из всех. У многих людей он ассоциируется с волшебством и подарками. Во-первых, это всегда неповторимый аромат мандарин и новогодней ели, что создаёт праздничное настроение. Именно в Новый год люди всех возрастов искренне верят в то, что все их заветные цели и мечты сбудутся.
On New Year my family and I decorate the house and the Christmas tree and give each other gifts, wishing success (успех) in the New Year.
На Новый год я и моя семья всегда украшаем дом и ёлку, дарим друг другу подарки, желая при этом успеха и удачи в Новом году.
New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday and I always look forward (ждать с нетерпением) to it.
Новый год – мой любимый праздник и я всегда жду его с особым нетерпением!
Fusce pretium, massa ut ultrices mollis, leo quam sollicitudin arcu, et porttitor nibh libero quis eros. Vivamus aliquet in lacus placerat mollis. Aenean vel scelerisque nulla, quis accumsan nunc. Proin aliquet neque id magna tempor fringilla. Proin ipsum nisl, tempor eget est vel, lobortis tempus justo. Aenean erat diam, euismod at varius non, consectetur quis lorem. Sed aliquet sem eu diam efficitur posuere.