Watch the video and put the words from the box in the gaps.hardwired ,enhancing spoonful ,bliss, crunch ,replicate, tremendous, palatable,taste receptors, proprietary ,irresistible vanished.1.There’s science behind that ………………. . 2.The food industry is even researching the connection between ………………. on your tongue and the corresponding chemical reaction in your brain. 3.Here is the process for ………………. cheese flavor without the cheese. 4.If they can ………………. that chemical reaction that may happen on your tongue or an aroma, they can simulate the taste of something without it being at all real. 5.The food industry is extremely secretive, competitive and ………………. . 6.When they hit the perfect amounts, they call it “the ………………. point” for sugar, “the mouth fill” for fat, “the flavor burst” for salt, - they know that their products will be ………………. . 7.Scientists agree that these highly ………………. foods can be addictive. becomes ………………. and it’s very hard to overcome. 9.Just one ………………. lights up the happy zones of the brain in clinical trials.
До мене приходить моя сестричка Віка. Вона молодша за мене, я дуже люблю з нею грати. Вона ходить до школи, але не в ту, в якій вчуся я. Ми граємо з нею, ділимося враженнями про школу, про оцінки, про шкільні товаришів і інших цікавлять нас предметах.
Я дуже люблю мою сестру і сумую за нею, якщо вона довго не приходить
Is graffiti any type of public or private markings from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings?
What is any type of public markings from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings?
Graffiti is any type of public markings from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, isn't it?
What is graffiti?