Way do people go to gym?
what are popular gym correc in your city?
what would you like most in a gym?
what are other gym, facitities outdoor?
would you like to whint bangkak? why or uly rot?
what are sights seenings there?
why do domer people wisit other aties?
what city would you like to visit?
who uses their phone the most a mony your familly or friends?
i what is the example or addition?
do you like tivihy in the age of techology?
can you tell about good and bad effect of technology?
do you know of any social media in fiuenkers? what are niche areas?
if you became a soclial media infivenker what me dium would you use and what wou ic you past about?
English - the most widely useful language in international business, science and diplomacy.
English is everywhere.
Learning English became needful for every person, because we all live in a reality and we need to know what's happening around the world.
Nowadays Kazakhstan is part of the international community and the problem of learning English for communication sphere is especially important for us.
We are learning English language now.
If we want to speak in English fluently, we need to work hard on it.