Ways to get up at ve
I to get up pt half past seven. 15. Antonio Strada
vari to make) wonderful violina, 16. Who to paint
the world-known picture "Mona Lisa"? 17. She to
know) all the works of Chopin. She (to enjoy listen
ing to his waltz last night. 18. Steven's friends to
come) to his birthday party last night and to give
him wonderful presente. His parents (to cook) a spe.
cial dinner for him. His girlfriend (to promise) to
come, but she (not to be) there. He to try to phone,
but he couldn't get through. He to be) really upeet.
Only she (not to wish) him a Happy Birthday.
Kate’s Travel Diary
We decided to (0) push on and try to reach Venice by Friday afternoon – before the weekend hordes (16) turned up. Susan was eager to see the city of waterways, as she had never been before, while I wanted to look up an old friend called Davina, who was now studying Italian at university in Venice. Davina had given me an open invitation to more or less (17) drop in at any time, and she was as good as her word, for she not only put us up, but also spent the whole weekend (18) pointing out the sights to us. She had never met Susan before, but they (19) got on immediately, which was a relief. My intention had been to pay her a flying visit, and then head off to Trieste, but we had such a wonderful time that we (20) ended up staying for four days. Venice did not disappoint us, (21) living up to its reputation as the most beautiful of cities.
On a less triumphant note, poor Susan lost her handbag, including a large amount of cash and her bank cards. She ran up a huge bill phoning home and contacting her bank in London. At least she’d had enough sense to (22) take out travel insurance, so this (23) paid for the costs of most of the loss.
Частные школы Англии, большинство из которых это школы-пансионы (Boarding School), составляют всего 10% от общего количества школ - их чуть более трех тысяч. Они не имеют государственных дотаций и существуют лишь на средства, полученные от родителей, как плата за обучение ребенка. Каждая школа Англии сама определяет как стоимость обучения, так и перечень того, что именно в него входит и отчего зависит (в основном - это возраст ребенка, т.е. чем старше, тем дороже). В среднем же, один семестр хорошей рейтинговой частной школы в Англии с пансионным проживанием обходится родителям от 6.500 (за детей 8-11 лет) до 12.000 (за детей старше 14 лет) фунтов стерлингов.
Однако, благодаря традиционно высокому уровню подготовки и более внимательному отношению к учеников, ежегодно около 30% мест в самых престижных университетах Великобритании получают выпускники именно частных школ. Преимуществом школы-пансиона является также и то, что ребенок постоянно находится под наблюдением воспитателей и педагогов и имеет почти круглосуточный доступ к библиотекам, лабораториям, музыкальным комнатам, спортзалам.
All the education in England is divided into two sectors: public and private. The same applies to schools. State schools in the UK - free, they are subsidized by the government and their management is done through the local educational authorities. Study in them British citizens only, and the children of foreigners in public schools in the last stage of training, after 16 years (i.e. by 4-th stage and Further education), and only with the excellent results of the previous training and examinations in the school.
Private schools England, most of which is a boarding school (Boarding School), constitute only 10% of the total number of schools - their little over three thousand. They have no state subsidies and exist only on funds received from parents, as payment for the child's education. Each school England defines itself as the cost of education, and a list of what exactly it is and what depends (mainly it is the age of the child, i.e. the older, the more expensive). At the average, one semester good rating in a private school in England with пансионным accommodation costs the parents from 6,500 (for children 8-11 years) up to 12,000 (for children older than 14 years) pounds sterling.
However, due to the traditionally high level of training and more attention to the abilities of the pupils every year about 30% of the seats in the most prestigious universities in the UK get graduates of private schools. The advantage of a boarding school is also that the child is monitored by a teacher and has almost non-stop access to the libraries, laboratories, music rooms, sports halls.