It is 7:30 PM at the home of Lisa and she's in her room doing her homework. However , homework is just one of the things that she does, though her eyes are fixed on the computer screen."My parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studying, but they don't understand that it helps me concentrate," she says. Young people today spend almost 6 1/2 hours a day using various media types to do different things at the same time. This is the reason why they called the multitasking generation or generation M. According to experts, it is also important to take time away from electronic media.I really think that generation need to take time to relax and reflect. There is life outside of the screen, and the pleasure of face-to-face communication can neither deny nor replaced."
This story begins in the late XIX and early XX centuries. Mary Lennox comes from India to Yorkshire (at that time India was still part of the British Empire, and many people from Britain lived and worked in India). When Mary moves, she does not know how to treat people kindly and politely. Her parents died when Mary was only nine years old, but during her lifetime they did not give enough time to the child. Therefore, the girl grew up always angry and lonely, not even knowing how to make friends. When she finds herself at Missseltwaite's estate with her uncle (landowner Archibald Craven), she meets a servant Martha and her brother Dicken. They were poor, but they lived happily, loving each other. Mary meets and Colin Craven, son of his uncle, who, like herself, was unloved. Colin is chained to bed because of his "illness." One morning, Mary finds an abandoned garden in the estate. She and her friends begin to care for this garden, and as it begins to blossom and blossom in the spring, children also "blossom" and "come to life." At the same time, Mary's character changes, she changes her attitude towards people, makes friends, and they also see her completely from the other side.