What is economics. one of the things that people discover every day is that you can’t have everything. you are reminded of it every time you shop. although you may see twenty or thirty items that you would really like to buy, you know that you will have to limit your selection to one or two.
everyone goes through life having to make choices. every business, even sport teams, must choose from among the things they would like to have because they cannot have everything. governments, too, cannot have everything. every year the most important political debates concern questions about
spending taxpayers’ money. neither individuals nor societies can have all the things they would like to have. there simply is not enough of everything. economists note that there is no limit to the amount or kinds of things that people want. there is, however, a limit to the resources, things
used to produce goods and services, available to satisfy those wants. once that limit is reached, nothing else can be produced. in other words, when nation’s resources (all its workers, factories, farms, etc.) are fully employed, the only way it will be able to increase the production of one thing
will be by reducing the production of something else. to summarize: human wants are unlimited, but the resources necessary to satisfy those wants are limited. thus, every society is faced with the identical problem, the problem of scarcity. ,найдите в этом тексте предложения с пассивным
залогом .заранее !
1. True
2. Began in the 6th century and finished in the 9th.
3. False
4. True ( Grounds: The seas around the UK are shallow and the villages on the coast are engaged in fishing. The offshore North sea is part of the Atlantic ocean and washes the shores of Western continental Europe and Great Britain. It is considered shallow — its deepest point is only 725 meters. The Irish sea itself is shallow - the most impressive depth is only 175 meters.)
5. True
6. True
7. False (In January, 1265, Simon de Monfort decided to convene a new Parliament, to participate in which for the first time in history were invited not only representatives of the nobility and the Church elite, but also delegates from the urban population. Thus, Monfort became the founder of the English house of Commons.
8. True (Since the XIV century the Parliament has two houses)
9. False (The Promenade concerts were first held in 1895 in the Royal Hall, later directed by Sir Henry Wood and still continuing today at the Royal Albert Hall for about three months mostly in the summer.)
10. True
II. Выберите правильный ответ (a, b или c).
11. - a
12. - a
13. - a
14. - c
15. - b
16. - c
17. - b
18. - c
19. - a
20.- b
III. Выполните следующие предложения с 3-5 словами:
21. William Shakespere's wife
22. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarchs. (currently Queen Elizabeth II)
23. Holyrood Abbey (Holy cross - Святой крест)
24. Church of the Diocese of London (Лондонская Епархия)
25."A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - ancient Chinese saying. Having made the first step, you start to walk on the road, and the further you go, the harder it becomes. It is impossible to turn back, because it is impossible to return 'yesterday'.
This phrase is attributed to the Chinese sage Lao Tzu and the moral is that any complex matter begins with the first small step.