1 ) Every day I study, work, enjoy nature. At home in my free time I do my hobby. Hone my skills. I do not regret life .
2) I'm not really angry. The feeling when you are powerless annoys me. But I get a great life lesson by making mistakes.
The only phobia scares me. It's height
4) To be honest, I don’t know, but when I got a new job it was hard for me to concentrate, because there were a lot of tasks. Then I adapted to work and found new friends, colleagues.
5) Director of the division, head of practice, some other big pepper of the company.
1 ) Every day I study, work, enjoy nature. At home in my free time I do my hobby. Hone my skills. I do not regret life .
2) I'm not really angry. The feeling when you are powerless annoys me. But I get a great life lesson by making mistakes.
The only phobia scares me. It's height
4) To be honest, I don’t know, but when I got a new job it was hard for me to concentrate, because there were a lot of tasks. Then I adapted to work and found new friends, colleagues.
5) Director of the division, head of practice, some other big pepper of the company.
все надеюсь
Доповніть речення правильною формою поданих слів. Використовуйте Present Perfect або Past Simple. Я не голодний. Я
просто / їли
його ключ. Він не може потрапити у свою квартиру.
Джек і Сара
одружений два роки. Вони зараз розлучені.
цей фільм?
Мона не буде грати на гітарі на концерті. Вона
її рука.
нове плаття минулих вихідних.
Мій батько
не / читати
газета вчора.
ніколи / гравець
футбол у моєму житті.
Кім тут немає. Вона
Скільки віршів
Олександр Пушкін / пишіть