What part of speech is the word -survive? What part of speech is the word -survivor? What does or mean? Translate the word. Make the new words and translate them: Нужно образовать новые слова и перевести
1. I wrote to her but the letter never arrived. 2. Britain is an island. 3. What is the name of this village? 4. Jane is a very nice person. You must meet her. 5. Montreal is a large city in Canada. 6. What is the largest city in Canada? 7. "What time is it?" — "I don't know. I haven't got a watch." 8. When I went to Rome, I stayed with an Italian friend of mine. 9. You look very tired. You need a holiday. 10. Don't sit on the floor. It's very dirty. 11. "Let's go to the restaurant this evening." — "That's a good idea. Which restaurant shall we go to?" 12. Can you turn on the radio, please? I want to listen to some music. 13. Tom is in the bathroom. He's having a bath. 14. This is a nice room, but I don't like the colour of the carpet. 15. We live in an old house near the station. It's two miles from the center.
Задание №3.
1. I turned off the light, opened the door and went out. 2. Excuse me, can I ask a question, please? 3. Alan is the best player in our football team. 4. How far is from here to the airport? 5. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me the postcard! 6. Have you got a ticket for the concert tomorrow night? 7. What is the name of the director of the film we saw last night? 8. Yesterday I bought a jacket and a shirt. The jacket was cheap but the shirt was expensive. 9. Peter and Mary have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is seven years old and the girl is three.
Задание №4.
1. Rome is the capital of Italy. 2. When we were in London, we stayed at a small hotel. 3. Can you ride a bicycle? 4. What's that man doing on the roof of that house? Is he repairing something? 5. We went to the theatre last night but the play wasn't very good. 6. Do you think English is a difficult language for people to learn? 7. "Would you like a cigarette?" — No, thanks. I don't smoke". 8. "Where is Jack?" — "He's in the kitchen. He's cooking something." 9. Excuse me, what time is the next train to London? 10. It's a nice day today. Let's go out.
летом Ник провел свои каникулы в Лондоне. Его одноклассница переехала туда несколько лет назад и пригласил Ника к нему в гости. Он отправился туда на самолете. Он заказал билет заранее. Он позвонил в авиа-перелеты авиакассы и зарезервировано место для пятнадцатого июля. "Зайдешь на свой билет самостоятельно или нужно отвезти? - спросил бронирования-офисного клерка. "Я хочу, чтобы мой билет доставлен сказал Ник, потому что он не хочет тратить свое время на походы в авиакассы и стояние в очереди. Самолет в Лондон вылетели в 9 утра, но он должен был быть в аэропорту за час до, чтобы зарегистрировать свой билет. Ника место было возле иллюминатора, и он мог видеть, как они вылетели в Санкт-Петербург и совершил посадку в Лондоне. Они летели на высоте шесть тысяч метров, так что Ник смог увидеть только облака через иллюминатор. Хозяйка предложила пассажирам закуски и безалкогольные напитки. Полет был очень приятным. Нику потребовалось несколько часов, чтобы добраться до Лондона. Обратный путь был также приятным. Ник мог достать билет на самолет. Ему пришлось стоять в длинной очереди, чтобы получить билет на самолет. Когда наконец его очередь подошла, он сказал-кассы продавец: " мне нужен билет в Санкт-Петербург на четвертое августа с изменяющимся в Москве.” Он хотел навестить свою сестру в Москве. Было много поездов, которые идут из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург каждый день, так что он надеется пробить билет. Он был прав. Когда он приехал в Москву, он посоветовался расписание и увидел, что там были десять поездов в Санкт.Петербург. Это не заняло у него много времени, чтобы пробить билет. Ему просто нужно было время, чтобы заскочить в бар и перекусить, прежде чем его поезд тронулся. В поезде было комфортно. Ник имел низкое спальное место в отдельном купе. Утром он был в Санкт.Петербург.
1. I wrote to her but the letter never arrived.
2. Britain is an island.
3. What is the name of this village?
4. Jane is a very nice person. You must meet her.
5. Montreal is a large city in Canada.
6. What is the largest city in Canada?
7. "What time is it?" — "I don't know. I haven't got a watch."
8. When I went to Rome, I stayed with an Italian friend of mine.
9. You look very tired. You need a holiday.
10. Don't sit on the floor. It's very dirty.
11. "Let's go to the restaurant this evening." — "That's a good idea. Which restaurant shall we go to?"
12. Can you turn on the radio, please? I want to listen to some music.
13. Tom is in the bathroom. He's having a bath.
14. This is a nice room, but I don't like the colour of the carpet.
15. We live in an old house near the station. It's two miles from the center.
Задание №3.
1. I turned off the light, opened the door and went out.
2. Excuse me, can I ask a question, please?
3. Alan is the best player in our football team.
4. How far is from here to the airport?
5. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me the postcard!
6. Have you got a ticket for the concert tomorrow night?
7. What is the name of the director of the film we saw last night?
8. Yesterday I bought a jacket and a shirt. The jacket was cheap but the shirt was expensive.
9. Peter and Mary have two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is seven years old and the girl is three.
Задание №4.
1. Rome is the capital of Italy.
2. When we were in London, we stayed at a small hotel.
3. Can you ride a bicycle?
4. What's that man doing on the roof of that house? Is he repairing something?
5. We went to the theatre last night but the play wasn't very good.
6. Do you think English is a difficult language for people to learn?
7. "Would you like a cigarette?" — No, thanks. I don't smoke".
8. "Where is Jack?" — "He's in the kitchen. He's cooking something."
9. Excuse me, what time is the next train to London?
10. It's a nice day today. Let's go out.