When photographer david slater went to snap some black macaque monkeys in indonesia, he got a bit of a surprise! the black macaque is a rare, endangered species of monkey and is being studied in indonesia by a team of scientists interested in (conserve). macaques may be rare, but they aren’t shy! while david was walking with them he began to notice that the monkeys were very interested in his photography (equip).
finally, overcome by (curious), one of the monkeys stole the camera from david’s bag. when he caught (see) of his own reflection in the camera, the naughty macaque was fascinated. clearly, the macaque was pleased with his (appear) because he found the camera’s button and began to snap photos of himself and his friends! “he must have taken hundreds of photos,” says david “but not many were in focus. he (obvious) hadn’t worked that out yet”!
read the text. complete the gaps with the proper lexical form of the words in brackets.
Center of the East Siberian economic region.
The city is located in the center of Russia, on both banks of the Yenisei on stykeZapadnosibirskoy plains, the Central Siberian Plateau iSayanskih mountains; in the basin formed by the most northern spurs of the Eastern Sayan.
The city's population - 1066934 [4] man. (2016). The population of Krasnoyarsk city district - 1067861 people [9]. In Krasnoyarsk agglomeration live more than one and a half million inhabitants.
Large transport and logistics center. Key sectors of the economy - non-ferrous metals [10], hydropower, aerospace industry [11] and drugoemashinostroenie [10] chemical [10], woodworking industry [10], education.