When/Where born: 1946 in the 1 Raro oundregion of Kazakhstan
Early years: he left school at age 2 of 13 ; started working in a
3 1905
Achievements: joined the Armavir Military Aviation Institute in
4 toktar
; flew as a 5
in the
Soviet Air Force, tested over 6 29 26 and 1997
types of
aircrafts, became the first Kazakh to go into 7
Later years: became the director of the National Aerospace Agency
of Kazakhstan (KazCosmos) in 8
1.Можно писать слово по нескольку раз, в плане заполнить строчку этим словом или несколько строчек.
2.Можно написать слова на карточках с одной стороны слово с другой перевод.
3.Создать с этими словами по несколько предложений чем больше, тем лучше.
Или же сделать песенку англо-русскую с упоминанием перевода слов, сложно но так точно запомнится. (За основу мелодии можно взять любую песню, просто поищи в ютубе или в интернете " Название той песни что ты хочешь найти" Instrumental " Или вместо слова instrumental используй "минус" Тут уже зависит от того на каком языке та песня.
1. Roger has worked as a dentist for twelve years.
2. Sandra has studied in our class since october.
3. I have known Alex for ages.
4. Ella has worked in the bank only since two weeks.
5. Julia has been to seven countries since she started her journey.
6. Belinda has changed a lot since we met last time.
7. We have been to Tokyo for five days already.
8. Nick has had this car since a year and a half.
9. Joe has been a designer since she graduated from university.
10. James has been my business partner for more than fourtten years.