Many people have been saying that organic foods are really good for your health. They’ve even helped people when trying to diet and losing weight. The benefits don’t stop there either. Studies have shown that they can also have a lot of nutrients.
Non-organic foods contain chemical fertilizer to encourage plant growth, farmers also spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease, use chemical herbicides to manage weeds, and give animals hormones, drugs, etc., to prevent disease. I personally would not consider this food to be healthy. I’d rather stick with organic foods because I feel more comfortable and its more healthy. Not only that, but it is also more safe. People feel more drawn to buy non-organic foods because they’re reasonable prices. Buyers of non-organic foods have ate these products their whole lives so it’s what they’re used to.Fast food falls under the category of non-organic food. The thing about restaurant food is that restaurants are not required to reveal everything their food contains.
Смежная рифмовка – первая строка рифмуется со второй, третья – с чётвёртой и так далее (аабб):“Чтоб дружбу товарищ пронёс по волнам, –Мы хлеба горбушку – и ту пополам!Коль ветер лавиной, и песня – лавиной,Тебе – половина, и мне – половина!”(А. Прокофьев)
Перекрёстная рифмовка – первая строка рифмуется с третьей, вторая – с четвёртой (абаб):“О, есть неповторимые слова,Кто их сказал – истратил слишком много,Неистощима только синеваНебесная и милосердье Бога.”(А. Ахматова)
Кольцевая рифмовка – первая строка рифмуется с четвёртой, а вторая – с третьей (абба):“Уж подсыхает хмель на тыне.За хуторами, на бахчах,В нежарких солнечных лучахКраснеют бронзовые дыни…”(А. Бунин)
Many people have been saying that organic foods are really good for your health. They’ve even helped people when trying to diet and losing weight. The benefits don’t stop there either. Studies have shown that they can also have a lot of nutrients.
Non-organic foods contain chemical fertilizer to encourage plant growth, farmers also spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease, use chemical herbicides to manage weeds, and give animals hormones, drugs, etc., to prevent disease. I personally would not consider this food to be healthy. I’d rather stick with organic foods because I feel more comfortable and its more healthy. Not only that, but it is also more safe. People feel more drawn to buy non-organic foods because they’re reasonable prices. Buyers of non-organic foods have ate these products their whole lives so it’s what they’re used to.Fast food falls under the category of non-organic food. The thing about restaurant food is that restaurants are not required to reveal everything their food contains.
Смежная рифмовка – первая строка рифмуется со второй, третья – с чётвёртой и так далее (аабб):“Чтоб дружбу товарищ пронёс по волнам, –Мы хлеба горбушку – и ту пополам!Коль ветер лавиной, и песня – лавиной,Тебе – половина, и мне – половина!”(А. Прокофьев)
Перекрёстная рифмовка – первая строка рифмуется с третьей, вторая – с четвёртой (абаб):“О, есть неповторимые слова,Кто их сказал – истратил слишком много,Неистощима только синеваНебесная и милосердье Бога.”(А. Ахматова)
Кольцевая рифмовка – первая строка рифмуется с четвёртой, а вторая – с третьей (абба):“Уж подсыхает хмель на тыне.За хуторами, на бахчах,В нежарких солнечных лучахКраснеют бронзовые дыни…”(А. Бунин)