- Why is Jenny ?
- She saw a spider.
Питання №2 ?
My father can be so . He knows so many jokes.
Питання №3 ?
Melissa is jogging. She jogs every morning.
fond of
scared of
proud of
surprised at
Питання №4 ?
He is so. He doesn’t want to do any work.
Питання №5 ?
We to the swimming pool last Friday.
didn’t went
hasn’t gone
haven’t gone
didn’t go
Питання №6 ?
to Egypt?
Did you ever been
Has you been
Have you ever been
Did you ever be
p.s. Могут быть ошибки в тексте.
Vegans are vegetarians: they don't eat fish or meat veaans
vegetarians eat eggs, cheese and other dairy produc s, honey, don't. In fact, they don't eat any food from animals - eggs for example. Why do people become vegans? Usually, they that it's wrong to kill animals for food or keep them for mil . egg . and other products. They also believe that keeping animals is a the environment because it needs a lot of space. A small farm wt animals can produce food for 20 people; but use the same land for vegetables and it can feed 240 people. Farm animals are also bad for the environment because they need a lot of water.
Fruitarians are vegans: they don’t eat meat, fish or any other animal products. But there are other rules too. Fruitarians don’t cook their food and they don’t eat any vegetables, rice, bread or processed food. So what can they eat? Well, nuts and seeds are OK. They can eat sweet fruit, like bananas and apples, and also olives, peppers and tomatoes because these are fruit too. Some people are fruitarians because they believe it is healthy. However, most doctors believe that fruitarians do not have a balanced diet. The human body needs some vitamins which aren't in fruit or nuts.
Меня зовут Настя. Мне 12. Я учусь в школе № 18 в городе Октябрьском. Моё любимое хобби - танцы. Я начала заниматься этим, когда мне было 8. Я изучаю русский, английский язык, математику и географию в школе. У меня не всегда есть время прогуляться. И когда выдается свободное время, я гуляю с моими друзьями и весело провожу время. Я хочу стать учительнице рисования. Я хочу стать хорошим человеком.