Word formation. Complete the sentences with a word formed from the word in capitals. 1. Unfortunately, my slides were because the font was too small. (EFFECTIVE)
2. Stonehenge was built in with the sun on Midsummer's Day. (ALIGN)
3. The speed of Earth's used to be a lot faster than it is today. (ROTATE)
4. The problem with sundials is their when the weather is cloudy. (USELESS)
5. Avoid using fonts with they look pretty, but are hard to read. (EMBELLISH)
Living slowly: five arguments for the Internet shops in Kazakhstan give odds DUMK: The most important jihad is the struggle with oneself So the next Winter Olympic Games have come to an end. In 2018, they were received by the South Korean city of Pyeongchang. Competitions were from February 9 to 25. Kazakhstan for participation in them received 57 licenses in nine sports. In the piggy bank of our team there is one bronze medal, which provided us with 27th place among 92 participating countries. The bronze medal winner, thanks to which Kazakhstan got into the medal standings this year, became freestyle artist Yulia Galysheva. The athlete showed such a high result despite the fact that she recently went in a cast. A few weeks before the start, she broke her arm in competitions in the United States, but did not give up the goal. The direct colleagues of Galysheva, Kazakhstani mogulists Dmitry Reicherd and Pavel Kolmakov took eighth and seventh place, Ayaulym Amrenova was in 17th place. In the acrobatics competitions Kazakhstan was represented by Marjan Akzhigit, Zhanbota Aldabergenova, Ayana Zholdas, Akmarzhan Kalmurzaeva and Ildar Badrutdinov. However, they did not have enough points to qualify for the finals. The men's ski team showed good results, but not enough for the championship. In this sport, Eugene Velichko, Vitaly Pukhkalo, Alexey Poltoranin and Denis Volotka fought. The women's team of skiers also failed: Anna Shevchenko and Valeria Tyuleneva did not qualify for the finals. Skier Elena Kolomina in the skiathlon came 54th. Skier Igor Zakurdaev took 41st in downhill skiing. After two attempts, his colleague Maria Grigorova failed to rise above 51 positions in slalom. Speed skater Ekaterina Aidova in the final race for 500 meters became the 21st. Men at the same distance were slightly weaker: Stanislav Palkin took 24th place, Artyom Krikunov was in the lower position, Roman Kretsch came 35th. Two other Kazakhstani skaters also failed to win prizes: at a distance of 1000 meters, one of the favorites of our team Denis Kuzin came in 27th, and Fedor Mezentsev took 33rd place.
The use of materials from the ktk.kz site is allowed if there is a hyperlink directly to the Material, which should be located in the first or second sentences of the Materials text in the same font as the main text.:
The recipe of this dish is very simple and can be prepared even by a layman. For cooking you need about 1-1,5 kg of potatoes, a small piece of meat (you can take pork or beef), 2-3 onions, 300 grams of cheese, 1 pepper, 200 grams mushrooms and 1-2 tablespoons of oil (sunflower), and mayonnaise. Pepper, you can substitute paprika, and sunflower oil. - olive.Mayonnaise you can make yourself or buy in the store.
First I clean the potatoes and cut it into circles. They should be not too thick and not too thin. Then I put it in a bowl, add pepper, salt and spices to taste, a small amount of mayonnaise and mix all the contents. After that, I begin to cut cubes of meat, and then I also Berge and salt. Then I clean the onion and cut it into circles, and then I start to clean and cut mushrooms. I only got the cheese, which I labor grated. Then the second stage begins. I grease the baking pan with butter and put down a layer of potatoes, layer of meat, onions, mushrooms, then again a layer of potatoes. When all the ingredients over I sprinkle potatoes with cheese and put in the oven. The temperature should be about 180-200 degrees. The dish is usually prepared about 40 minutes, although this depends on the number of ingredients. If serving more than usual, that time should be increased to 60-70 minutes. Before serving, I sprinkled the potatoes with parsley or dill. This dish is simply delicious. I advise everyone to try to cook!
Кожен любить смачно поїсти. Я не є винятком. Моєю улюбленою стравою є картопля з м'ясом і сиром, запечена в духовці.
Рецепт цієї страви дуже простий і його може приготувати навіть непрофесіонал. Для приготування потрібно приблизно 1-1,5 кг картоплі, невеликий шматочок м'яса (можна взяти свинину або яловичину), 2-3 цибулини, 300 грам сиру, 1 перець, 200 грам грибів і 1-2 ложки олії (соняшникової) і майонез. Перець можна замінити паприкою, а соняшниковe олі. - оливковою.Майонез можна приготувати самостійно або купити в магазині.
Спочатку я чищу картоплю і ріжу її кружечками. Вони повинні бути не дуже товстими, і не дуже тонкими. Потім я складаю її в глибоку миску, додаю перець, сіль і спеції за смаком, невелику кількість майонезу і перемішую весь вміст. Після цього я починаю різати кубиками м'ясо, і після цього я його також перчу та солю. Потім я чищу цибулю і ріжу її кружечками, а потім я приступаю до чищення і різання грибів. У мене залишається тільки сир, який я тру на тертці. Після цього починається другий етап. Я змащую деко олією і кладу туди шар картоплі, шар м'яса, цибулі, грибів, потім знову шар картоплі. Коли всі інгредієнти закінчаться, я зверху посипаю картоплю сиром і ставлю в духовку. Температура повинна бути приблизно 180-200 градусів. Блюдо зазвичай готується близько 40 хвилин, хоча це залежить від кількості інгредієнтів. Якщо порція більше звичайної, то час необхідно збільшити до 60-70 хвилин. Перед подачею на стіл, я посипаю картоплю петрушкою або кропом. Ця страва - просто смакота. Раджу всім спробувати приготувати!