Work in pairs. find out what your partner knows about disasters happening around the world. ask the following questions. take turn. 1. what disasters happen more often the others?
2. in what countries are there lots of volcanoes?
3. in what part of russia are there many volcanoes?
4. what season is the most dangerous for wildfires?
5. what can people do to prevent wildfires?
6. where did the last huge earthquake, hurricane or tsunami happen?
In the definition of social security, the key point was the report U.Beveridzhain the UK in 1942. In this report he identified social securityas follows: "social security means ensuring a minimumincome in order to abolish the system of earning income from unemployment,illness, accident, superannuation and prevent loss of dependencyothers, as well as solve the problem of exceptional costs arisingthe birth, death, marriage. "P. Laroque says that social security is continuously determines the level oflife for the working masses, and in all cases to ensure the appropriateminimum standard of living through income redistribution, based onthe principle of solidarity, ensures that quality of life.
2)Обязательное наличие практики;
3)Если вуз сотрудничает с колледжем — вас могут сразу же зачислить на 3-4 курсы;
4)Подготовка к специфике обучения в вузе.
Минусы обучения в колледже:
1)Есть вероятность остановиться на специальном образовании и так и не получить высшее;
2)При выборе вуза, не сотрудничающего с колледжем, учиться придется на 1 год дольше;
3)Отсутствие отсрочки от службы в армии на время последующего обучения в вузе;
4)Возможно, придется бороться со стереотипами и доказывать, что вы человек.
Плюсы обучения в:
1)При наличии в ВУЗе военной кафедры — присвоение звания без прохождения службы;
2)С дипломом об окончании высшего учебного заведения, вы можете получить второе высшее, ученые степени или пройти обучения про программа бизнес-образования;
Минусы обучения в университете:
1)Отсутствие трудовой практики;
2)Если вы разочаруетесь в выбранной профессии, переучиваться можно будет только платно.Finishing 9th grade, students are facing a choice: to continue to learn until the 11th or go to College? What is the best option that will open more opportunities for a successful career? Many people think that the answer is obvious - get the full school education, and then to go to College. But in fact, both options have their pros and cons.
Pros College
2)Obligatory practices;
3)If the University cooperates with the College - you can immediately enroll in 3-4 courses;
4)Preparation for the specifics of education.
Cons of College:
1)Is the probability to stay in special education and never get higher;
2)When choosing a University, not cooperating with the College, to study will have 1 year longer;
3)No deferment from military service on subsequent learning in the University;
4)you May have to fight stereotypes and prove that you are a capable person.
Advantages of training in:
1)in the presence of the University military Department - the title without going through the service;
2)diploma of higher educational institutions, you can get a second degree, degrees, or enjoy learning about the program of business education;
Cons of teaching in the University:
1)Lack of labour practices;
2)If you are disappointed in their chosen profession, to learn can only be chargeable...