С первым заданием не могу, тебе нужно смотреть в Аппендиксе 1, он находится в конце учебника, ты увидишь, там уже будут слова, которые нужно будет вставить в это задание, с данными предлогами.
2b 1)Sympathizing help us to find new friends 2)Summarizing help us to learn maths 3) Modernizing help us to improve our lives 4) Criticizing help other people to correct their mistakes 5) Characterizing help us to find a good job 6) Apologizing help us to find a compromise with people 3. 1. At 2. In 3. In; In 4. In
2. 1) Sympathize
2) apologize
3) summarize
4) characterize
5) criticize
6) modernize
2b 1)Sympathizing help us to find new friends
2)Summarizing help us to learn maths
3) Modernizing help us to improve our lives
4) Criticizing help other people to correct their mistakes
5) Characterizing help us to find a good job
6) Apologizing help us to find a compromise with people
3. 1. At 2. In 3. In; In 4. In
Буду благодарен за лучший ответ)
1. Jack has changed out of all recognition. If you meet him, you'll never recognize him.
2. This house isn't theirs, theirs is just 'round the corner.
3. Could you tell us more about Natalya Goncharova and her paintings?
4. Is it your textbook? I thought it was mine.
5. Here are some photos, I'd like you to look at them.
6. What a beautiful flower! What is its name?
7. This classroom is ours, yours is a bit further along the corridor. Are you a new pupil here?
8. These people are too young, we want somebody more experienced than them.