Пишешь свои 5 предложений что ты вчера делал в времени (past simple) к примеру : I went to school yesterday ( я шел(шла) вчера), I ate my lunch yesterday ( я ел(а) свой обед вчера)
Например: Yesterday I was walking with my friends. We had fun. But one friend slipped and fell on his back. He was sent to the hospital. He was just a bruise.
в времени (past simple)
к примеру : I went to school yesterday ( я шел(шла) вчера), I ate my lunch yesterday ( я ел(а) свой обед вчера)
Yesterday I was walking with my friends. We had fun. But one friend slipped and fell on his back. He was sent to the hospital. He was just a bruise.