Write a letter to a stressed worker. Ask him/her three questions about stress. Give him/herthree opinions on stress and how to reduce it.
Напишите письмо работнику, находящемуся в стрессе. Задайте ему / ей три вопроса о стрессе.
Дайте ему / ей три мнения о стрессе и о том, как его уменьшить.
(Совет по написанию
Это неофициальное письмо другу, родственнику или кому-то, кого мы хорошо знаем. Обычно мы начинаем с Dear/Hi + first name.В первом абзаце мы приводим наши вступительные замечания и причину написания (я пишу ...). Мы даём свои советы в отдельных параграфах. В последнем абзаце мы выражаем надежду на то, что наши советы были полезными , а также на то, что мы сделали заключительные замечания. Мы подписываемся неофициальным окончанием (например, Пока!).
Электронное письмо, дающее совет, обычно в себя:
• ведение, в котором вы вырожаете сочувствие к проблеме вашего друга и предполагаете дать некоторые советы, совет.
• основная часть из двух пораграфов, которые включает в себя советы и их возможные результаты.
• заключение с надеждой, что ваши советы , и заключительные замечания.)
The document says that adolescents "who have received a general education and have reached the age of 15 can conclude an employment contract to perform light work that does not harm their health." Also, an employment contract can be concluded by adolescents from the age of 15 who left the general education organization before receiving basic general education or who were expelled from the said organization and continue to receive general education in another form of education. "It is noted that for those who are studying, work should not interfere educational.Previously, it was possible to conclude an employment contract with a teenager only for the time free from school. The rules for the employment of those who completed their studies or were expelled were not spelled out by law.Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law amended to the Labor Code, which allows teenagers from the age of 15 to work under an employment contract.
The document is posted on the official portal of legal information.
Я думаю хватит можешь и меньше написать :-)
Saiga - a genus and species of mammals from the family of bull deer, or even-toed ungulates.Belongs to the group of genera "antelope". A resident of the steppes, which previously inhabited Europe and Asia, and now survived only in Kazakhstan
Saiga - a genus and species of mammals from the family of bull deer, or even-toed ungulates.Belongs to the group of genera "antelope". A resident of the steppes, which previously inhabited Europe and Asia, and now survived only in Kazakhstan
There are only a few thousand saigas left in the world, due to hunting (their meat tastes like lamb) and the tragedy of 2015. Then in the territory of Kazakhstan more than 120 thousand individuals died due to a bacterial infection in a few weeks.
There are many ways to preserve the species of these animals and the most effective of them is the creation of reserves and listing these animals in the "Red Book".