I haven't heard from you in a long while and I thought I should give you an update about my home duties, so maybe you can reply and tell me about yours. I have a lot of home duties because my Mom and Dad are currently on a vacation in San Francisco, so the house is on me completly. Every day when i wake up i clean our kitten's toilet and feed it. Then, i usually do some vacuum cleaning and washing dishes. When i'm finally done, i go out to see Chrisitne and some other friends. What's your home duties, "Имя"?
Dear "Имя",
I haven't heard from you in a long while and I thought I should give you an update about my home duties, so maybe you can reply and tell me about yours. I have a lot of home duties because my Mom and Dad are currently on a vacation in San Francisco, so the house is on me completly. Every day when i wake up i clean our kitten's toilet and feed it. Then, i usually do some vacuum cleaning and washing dishes. When i'm finally done, i go out to see Chrisitne and some other friends. What's your home duties, "Имя"?
Waiting for your response.
Sincirely, "Имя автора письма".