Write an article with the following title: Are gadgets important in our life? Use the paragraph plan to help you. (посмотрите статью на стр. 50 (в учебнике) в качестве примера, как это должно выглядеть). Plan of the article
1. Introduction (presentation of the topic)
2. Viewpoint
3. Opposing viewpoint
4. Conclusion
There are not many things in the world that are eternal. After all, gold, precious jewelry, fine clothes, expensive cars and houses — all these values are false, temporary. Over time, they depreciate, break down, deteriorate, cease to be fashionable. But among the eternal, true values, three things can be named. This is faith, love and friendship. "A true friend is the greatest treasure", "a true friend is known in trouble" - how often do we hear these proverbs, but how rarely do we think about their true meaning.
Nowadays it is very difficult to find a real friend. Yes, each of us has many friends, whom I call one-day butterflies. They are ready to go to the cinema or cafe with you, help you spend money in fashion boutiques, laugh at a joke. But these friends will never support you in a difficult moment. Why do they need a friend who needs to be helped, who needs to be comforted by wasting their time? They'd rather go to the movies with other, lucky friends. And they are not interested in losers.
But a true friend will never leave you in trouble. No matter what happens, no matter what trouble knocks on your door, a friend will always be there, always ready to help, support, comfort. He is ready to sacrifice his time, money and even his life for you. This is true friendship, which is an eternal and precious thing in life. And therefore, as a very valuable thing, it must be protected and treasured.
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Все великие люди, которые сделали вклад в науку явно не были пессимистами.У пессимистов, отрицательный взгляд на жизнь.Это противоположность оптимизма. Я думаю,что у Пессимистов стоят некие рамки в жизни.Рамки которые говорят ему,что за что бы он не брался ничем хорошим не кончится.К примеру, человек посвятивший свою жизнь науке,сделал небольшой вклад.Оптимист порадуется вкладу человека и будет предпочтительно относится к его стараниям.Нежели, пессимист скажет,что тот дурень и потратил свою жизнь.Пессимисту явно бы не пришло на ум идти к чему то новому,он находится в своей зоне комфорта.Зачем идти в неизвестность?а вдруг это плохо закончится?Я считаю,это отрицательное качество.
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