Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of working out at a gym. When you’re writing an essay discussing advantages and disadvantages, organise your ideas according to the plan below. Write in a formal style. Do not use short forms or abbreviations.
Introduce the subject of the essay and both sides of the topic.
Present the advantages in one paragraph and the disadvantages in another paragraph. Cover both sides of the topic equally. Use linking words/phrases:
To list points: firstly, first of all, to begin with, secondly, also, in addition, what is more, finally,
lastly, etc.
To express contrast: however, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc.
Make a general statement. Use phrases like:
In conclusion,...
To sum up,...
State your opinion if you want to. Use phrases like:
In my opinion,...
Personally, I believe...
I (definitely) think...
In my view,...
Use the table to organise your ideas:
Advantages Disadvantages
• get professional help by an instructor
• have available equipment
• can exercise regardless of the weather conditions • can be boring after a short while
• it costs
• can be crowded
на эссе на эту тему!
Аудитория - lecture-hall, современные приборы - up-to-date instruments, в распоряжении студентов - at the disposal of students, подготовительные курсы - a preparatory course department, курсы повышения квалификации - continuing education courses, показывать хорошие результаты в учебе - make good progress in their studies, прочная основа общего образования - a solid basis of general education, старшие курсы - senior courses, практическая подготовка - practical instruction, приобретать опыт - gain practical experience, научная карьера - scientific career, научный руководитель - examination board, принимать участие в научных исследованиях - take part in scientific investigation, привлечь как можно больше студентов - as many students as possible, вступить в научное студенческое общество - Students' Scientific Society, члены научного студенческого общества - Students' Scientific Society members, высоко квалифицированные профессионалы - highly-qualified professionals.
As we know there are a lot of holidays which are celebrated by families. For example, some international holidays like new year or international women's day. As for me, I like our traditional holiday - Christmas. Christmas is always celebrated in our family. We all gather around the table. My siblings also visit although they are already married and live in another city. They bring presents to us. I with my mom cook the most delicious food for a party dinner. My father with my little sister decorates the room until the party. Then they help us. After having dinner we hand our presents to each other. Moreover, we dance and play some interesting games. So, that's why it's my the most lovely holiday at all