London. Sights of London Not far from the Tower of London there is Tower Bridge — a masterpiece of engineering skill. Tower Bridge was built at the end of the 19th century to match the medieval style of the fortress. This bridge is opened to let big ocean ships move up the Thames from the ocean. The territory between the Tower and the bridge is called the Pool for that reason.St. Paul's Cathedral is in the centre of London and is considered to be an architectural masterpiece.After the Great Fire the City had to be built again. The commission of six architects was organized for the rebuilding and Sir Christopher Wren was the most talented of them. This architect drew a plan which greatly determined the look of today's London though it was not realized in every detail. It was forbidden to build wooden houses in the City of London.St. Paul's Cathedral was the greatest work of Sir Christopher Wren. It is one of the largest churches in the world. Sir Wren was building the Cathedral for 35 years, completed it in 1711, and his aim was to build a church that could rival the great St. Peter Basilica in Rome. St. Paul was built of white stone as well as many other buildings in the City of London. But smoke and soot made the stones black and only the columns and edges were washed by the rain and remained white. That is how the building got its peculiar white-and-black look.On top of St. Paul's Cathedral is a high dome, which contains the Whispering Gallery, where whisper can be heard at a great distance.Fleet street is famous all over the world as the centre of British news services.Barbican is a district of the City of London. Nowadays Barbican is one of the most beautiful districts of London. It is also famous for the Barbican Centre. The Barbican Centre is an enormous complex which contains two theatres (the Royal Shakespeare Company and the London Symphony Orchestra), an art gallery, three cinemas, two restaurants and two exhibition halls.
I grew up in a very small town.Он работал доктором в нашем маленьком городке.He was a doctor in our small town.Знаете как меня называют в моем маленьком городке?You want to know what I'm famous for in my little town?Вы удивитесь, какие люди живут в нашем маленьком городке.Might be surprised who lives in our little town.Ты живёшь всё в том же маленьком городке, в котором родилась.You live in the same small town that you were born in.Я остановилась в одном маленьком городке.I stopped in this small town.Нет, просто, знаешь, я родился в очень маленьком городке.No, it's just, you know, I was born in a really very small town.Должен тебе сказать, я был в твоем маленьком городкеи встречал твою красавицу-жену Анну.Well, I have to tell you, I've been to your little town and I've met your lovely wife, Anna.в каждом маленьком городке есть хотя бы один учитель фортепьяноEvery small town has at least one piano teacher.Мистер Свайн чем актёр-менеджер занимает своё свободное время в таком маленьком городке, как этот?Mr. Swine what does an actor-manager do with his spare time in a small town like this?В одном маленьком городке меня отвели в секретное место для поедания мороженого.And I was taken to the secret ice cream-eating place in a little town,Отель расположен 5 минутах езды от Мон-Сан-Мишель и находится в прелестном маленьком городкеПонторсон, который идеально расположен между Нормандией и Бретанью.Five minutes drive from Mont-Saint-Michel, the hotel is in Pontorson a nice little town, ideally situated between Normandy and Brittany.Похоже, когда я жил в старинном маленьком городкеПитерборо, в Восточной Англии, у меня развилось что-то вроде клаустрофобии... В общем, на родине я редкий гость.Looks that when I lived in old small town Peterborough on the East England I got something kind of claustrophobia... Generally, I'm an occasional guest in my motherland.Но я разберусь с этой ситуацией, приятель, потому что в таком маленьком городке...I'll control this situation, pal, because you don't hide from me in a town this small.Я говорю о маленьком городке под названием Аспен.I'm talking about a little place called Aspen.