Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. he is a careless driver. i wish he (drive) carefully.
2. she wishes she fteli) him the truth yesterday. one number earlier.
4. i wish i (have) time to read this article but i can't as i'm so busy!
5. my sister is so irresponsible! i wish she (take) more care of her children.
New York is the largest and one of the most important cities in the United States. This huge city is located on the eastern coast of the country and consists of 5 administrative districts: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and the Staten Island. Partially the city is located on the islands adjacent to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson Bay.Not being a capital of the country, or even of the state, New York, however, has become a major center of financial, economic, political and cultural life for Americans.The city has a long history. The Dutch were the first settlers in the 17th century, and the old name of the city was New Amsterdam.The main center of New York City has always been the island of Manhattan. Here are concentrated the main attractions and the wealth of the city. The most famous company offices, headquarters, museums, monuments of culture and architecture, many theaters and restaurants, hotels and well-known shopping centers are located in the heart of the huge metropolis.Those who arrive to New York to see the most interesting and famous places of America, begin their journey with a tour of the main symbol of the city and the country, the Statue of Liberty, located on a small island southwest of Manhattan. Since 1886, a huge 93-meter statue greets and farewells residents and visitors of New York.Despite of the huge area, it is impossible to get lost in New York. All the streets form equal squares and have number titles. Twelve wide streets, crossing these squares are called Avenues. The most famous Avenues are: Broadway, Fifth and Seventh Avenue.Any tourist coming to this wonderful city, will always find something that interests him the most. No wonder, they say, that all tastes and cultures are mixed here, you can meet representatives of any nationality in the world. Many consider this city the capital of the world.
The first high probability of being in the region of recoverable oil have noted the Russian military, explorers and scientists.
Information on the oil content of Kazakh land are found, for example, in the writings of A. Bekovich-Cherkassy, directed by Peter I of Astrakhan to Khiva. This expedition in 1717 crossed the territory of Atyrau region and raised the general geographical and hydrogeological data on the area, including information on oil. Ural-Emba district during the XVIII and XIX centuries, the first half of the researchers visited: Lepikhin I. (1771), P. Rychkov (1772), P. Pallas (1775), S. Gmelin (1783), and others. In his notes, they led hydrographic and topographic information and the summary geological information on mineral resources. In the second half of the XIX century has begun and geological research, the scientists describe the known deposit and give the characteristic climatic features of the area.
The main difficulty they saw in extremely difficult climatic conditions, lack of communications, freshwater, human settlements. Nevertheless, this has not stopped enterprising people willing to invest in a profitable business.
Start of development of Emba oil fields due to the small Russian business activities. Thus, the lawyer of the Sol-Iletsk Yuri Lebedev, pay attention to the oil exits near the tract Karachungul, in 1892, he made his first bid for oil exploration. However, fast exhausting its own funds, he sold his bid retired Guard shtabskapitanu Lehman for 26 thousand rubles, which established the first office on the Emba Oilfield Co. and Lehman (1898-1909 gg.).
The company received the exclusive right to the production of research and intelligence minerals in six townships Guryev and Kalmykovskogo counties Ural region for three years. The concession covered an enormous area of 24 thousand sq. M. miles. 13-18 November 1899 at the field in the South Emba Karachungul hit the first gas-oil blowout, the emission of about 25 thousand tons of light oil. Thus began the development of oil resources in Kazakhstan.
ПЕРЕВОД:Казахстан является одной из нефтедобывающих стран мира. Нефть в Казахстане начали добывать ещё в конце XIX века, намного раньше чем в Иране, Кувейте, Мексике, Норвегии, Саудовской Аравии.
Первыми высокую вероятность нахождения в этом регионе промышленных запасов нефти отметили российские военные, путешественники и ученые.
Сведения о нефтеносности казахской земли встречаются, например, в записках А. Бековича-Черкасского, направленного по указу Петра I из Астрахани в Хиву. Эта экспедиция в 1717 году пересекла территорию Атырауской области и собрала общие географические и гидрогеологические данные об этой местности, включая сведения о нефти. Урало-Эмбинский район в течение XVIII и первой половины XIX веков посетили исследователи: И. Лепихин (1771), П. Рычков (1772), П. Паллас (1775), С. Гмелин (1783) и другие. В своих записках они привели гидрографические и топографические сведения, а также краткие геологические данные о полезных ископаемых. Во второй половине XIX века уже началось и геологическое исследование, ученые описали уже известные месторождения и дали характеристику природно-климатическим особенностям района.
Главную сложность они увидели в чрезвычайно трудных природно-климатических условиях, отсутствии путей сообщения, пресной воды, населенных пунктов. Тем не менее это не остановило предприимчивых людей, готовых вложить деньги в прибыльное дело.
Начало разработки нефтяных промыслов Эмбы связано с деятельностью мелких российских предпринимателей. Так, адвокат из Соль-Илецка Юрий Лебедев, обративший внимание на выходы нефти близ урочища Карачунгул, в 1892 г. сделал первую заявку на разведку нефти. Однако, быстро истощив собственные средства, он продал свои заявки отставному гвардии штабскапитану Леману за 26 тысяч рублей, который и основал первую на Эмбе нефтепромысловую контору Леман и Ко (1898-1909 гг.).
Компания получила исключительное право производства изысканий и разведок полезных ископаемых в шести волостях Гурьевского и Калмыковского уездов Уральской области на три года. Концессия охватила громадную территорию в 24 тыс. кв. верст. 13-18 ноября 1899 г. на месторождении Карачунгул в Южной Эмбе ударил первый газонефтяной фонтан, выбросивший около 25 тысяч тонн легкой нефти. Так началось освоение нефтяных богатств Казахстана.