Hello, ХХХ! Thank you for your letter. I know how busy you are at university and I appreciate your writing to me such a long letter.
I can understand the problems you are having with your sister. I got the impression that she is not an ideal person to share a flat with, but none of us is.
I live with my family. I have a father, a mother, and a younger brother. There are four of us living in a two-bedroom flat. I often wish I lived alone and didn’t have to live with them. My brother and I sleep in one room, our parents sleep in the other. My brother is quite a noisy sleeper – he snores loudly and it can’t be helped. My parents are unhappily married and they often have awful rows. They throw things on the floor and shout at each other.
There can be many reasons for our conflicts. My brother and I go to school; our parents work from morning till evening. We all get tired by the evening. We have to spend our days dealing with people, and not all of those people are nice. Naturally, we become irritated and even frustrated. Most family conflicts come from misunderstanding: it is not always clear who is supposed to do what at home. My mother keeps reminding us that she is not a housemaid, my father is always tired, and my brother is quite useless for anything other than playing computer games.
I can give you a piece of advice: be patient. Our problems are temporary ones. They may seem serious, but they aren’t really. Try talking to the people you live with, they may be brought round to your point of view. Try listening to what they have to say, there may be something in it. Try finding some common ground, it may be a basis for a possible compromise.
Avoid quarrels, never be rude to your people and don’t answer back. Your relatives don’t really mean to insult you; they are just tired and frustrated. Everyone will be sorry in the morning.
Колись тут жив маленький Слон.Його ім'я було Гастон.Його мати і батько працювали з ранку до вечора і вночі так як завжди роблять слони. Але Гастон не любив працювати.Він любив гратися аж до вечора.Одного ранку мама Гастона сказала :"Мій дорогий,настав час щоб іти працювати тобі також".Так як Гастон не хотів працювати,він втік.Він мав хороший час:він бігав,стрибав і грав у ігри.Ввечері він був дуже голодний.Це була його мама яка зазвичай давала йому їжу.Але тут не було мами з ним.Хто міг до йому?Гастон мав ідею.Він пішов до лева та сказав:"Пане Лев ,я такий голодний.Чи не дасте ви мені декілька бананів щоб поїсти?"."Згода!"сказав Лев."Але спочатку ти маєш попрацювати.Потім ти можеш забрати свою вечерю".Маленький слоник хотів получить свою вечерю, але він не хотів працювати!І тому він втік.Пізніше він побачив Тигра.Він запитав чи не може Тигр дати йому кілька яблук попоїсти."Добре"Сказав Тигр ."Але спочатку ти маєш попрацювати".І Гастон втік.Він питав багато звірів,щоб вони дали йому трохи їжі,але всі тварини гоаорили, що він спочатку має попрацювати.І тому маленьке Слоненятко прибігло додому до своїх батьків. Коли він побачив свою маму він сказав:"Дорога мамочко!Я дуже вибачаюся.Тепер я знаю ,щоб щось поїсти ,я маю спочатку попрацювати.
Hello, ХХХ! Thank you for your letter. I know how busy you are at university and I appreciate your writing to me such a long letter.
I can understand the problems you are having with your sister. I got the impression that she is not an ideal person to share a flat with, but none of us is.
I live with my family. I have a father, a mother, and a younger brother. There are four of us living in a two-bedroom flat. I often wish I lived alone and didn’t have to live with them. My brother and I sleep in one room, our parents sleep in the other. My brother is quite a noisy sleeper – he snores loudly and it can’t be helped. My parents are unhappily married and they often have awful rows. They throw things on the floor and shout at each other.
There can be many reasons for our conflicts. My brother and I go to school; our parents work from morning till evening. We all get tired by the evening. We have to spend our days dealing with people, and not all of those people are nice. Naturally, we become irritated and even frustrated. Most family conflicts come from misunderstanding: it is not always clear who is supposed to do what at home. My mother keeps reminding us that she is not a housemaid, my father is always tired, and my brother is quite useless for anything other than playing computer games.
I can give you a piece of advice: be patient. Our problems are temporary ones. They may seem serious, but they aren’t really. Try talking to the people you live with, they may be brought round to your point of view. Try listening to what they have to say, there may be something in it. Try finding some common ground, it may be a basis for a possible compromise.
Avoid quarrels, never be rude to your people and don’t answer back. Your relatives don’t really mean to insult you; they are just tired and frustrated. Everyone will be sorry in the morning.
I look forward to hearing from you soon, yours