Однажды утром, я остался один дома. Мне было немного страшновато. Все уехали по своим делам. Вскоре я прогаладался, и решил приготовить себе омлет. Я зашол в кухн. и увидел там паука. Он был немного больше своих саратников. Я чуть не отрубился от страха. Я убежал в свою комнату. Закрыл дверь и лёг на диван. Вскоре пришли мои родители, и я рассказал им обо всём. Они пошли, в кухню и увидели там это же паука. Взяли тапок и прибили. Оказываеться это был обычный паук переросток. И мои родители усмехаясь ушли.
What can people do in different weather ("What can people do in different seasons?") :
Spring is wonderful season, when everything wokes up from the deepest sleep. Loads of people practice in running, so it would help them stay fit and healthy.
In summer we can : go cycling, hiking, fishing, camping, sightseeing, etc.; as well as travel abroad, swim and have sunbath, play outside in some games like play in football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and so on. Actually, summer is a time when we can relax, and have a rest from daily routines.
Autumn is a time when everyone prefer to spend their free time with their family, while they are drinking hot tea. Nevertheless autumn is a time of colors, so loads of people prefer to stroll about the park, ramarking all the beauty of autumn.
Winter is a fairily time of snow, magic and joy. Both children and adults spend their time in mountains ( Doing some activities like snowboarding, skiing or just going for a sleigh ride). Ice-skating and playing outdoors in different winter games, like making a snowman ⛄, building a snow castle or throwing snowballs in each other is also an essential part of winter.
There is no doubt, that there are some all-year activities, like sport, traveling, reading books and breathing the fresh air of mountains . So, in conclusion each season is full of joy and magic moments .
Spring is wonderful season, when everything wokes up from the deepest sleep. Loads of people practice in running, so it would help them stay fit and healthy.
In summer we can : go cycling, hiking, fishing, camping, sightseeing, etc.; as well as travel abroad, swim and have sunbath, play outside in some games like play in football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and so on. Actually, summer is a time when we can relax, and have a rest from daily routines.
Autumn is a time when everyone prefer to spend their free time with their family, while they are drinking hot tea. Nevertheless autumn is a time of colors, so loads of people prefer to stroll about the park, ramarking all the beauty of autumn.
Winter is a fairily time of snow, magic and joy. Both children and adults spend their time in mountains ( Doing some activities like snowboarding, skiing or just going for a sleigh ride). Ice-skating and playing outdoors in different winter games, like making a snowman ⛄, building a snow castle or throwing snowballs in each other is also an essential part of winter.
There is no doubt, that there are some all-year activities, like sport, traveling,
reading books and breathing the fresh air of mountains .
So, in conclusion each season is full of joy and magic moments .