this summer i flew with my parents to relax in turkey, the beautiful city of kemer. there i met many foreigners, and they all spoke different languages. nature there is magnificent, beautiful palm trees, flowering bushes. near our hotel there were swimming pools with various winding slides, and next to it was the mediterranean sea. the water was warm and absolutely transparent. we visited the disney park "the lend of legends" where we skated on various water attractions, it was fun. bathed, sunbathed, watched an interesting show of dolphins and went shopping. every day, day and night animation and foam parties were held on site. in addition, i went to visit my grandparents. it's a pity that the summer holidays ended so quickly
1) "Упрощение" языка за счет использования символов-эмодзи, картинок-мемов и различных жаргонных выражений, призванных сократить число символов в предложении;
2) Различные формы заимствования интеллектуальной собственности (как правило, что попало в Интернет-уже "общественное достояние");
3) Замещение реальных контактов с живыми людьми виртуальными "друзьями", поощрение социофобий, соблазн создания виртуальной личности с "идеальной" жизнью.
Конечно, это далеко не полный список возможностей и последствий, а только мое видение данной темы.
Negative aspects of Internet communication:
1) "Simplification" of the language through the use of symbols-emoji, picture memes and various slang expressions, designed to reduce the number of characters in the sentence;
2) Various forms of borrowing intellectual property (as a rule, what has got into the Internet is already "public domain");
3) Substituting real contacts with living people with virtual "friends", encouraging social phobias, the temptation to create a virtual person with an "ideal" life.
Of course, this is far from a complete list of opportunities and consequences, but only my vision of this topic.
this summer i flew with my parents to relax in turkey, the beautiful city of kemer. there i met many foreigners, and they all spoke different languages. nature there is magnificent, beautiful palm trees, flowering bushes. near our hotel there were swimming pools with various winding slides, and next to it was the mediterranean sea. the water was warm and absolutely transparent. we visited the disney park "the lend of legends" where we skated on various water attractions, it was fun. bathed, sunbathed, watched an interesting show of dolphins and went shopping. every day, day and night animation and foam parties were held on site. in addition, i went to visit my grandparents. it's a pity that the summer holidays ended so quickly
1) "Упрощение" языка за счет использования символов-эмодзи, картинок-мемов и различных жаргонных выражений, призванных сократить число символов в предложении;
2) Различные формы заимствования интеллектуальной собственности (как правило, что попало в Интернет-уже "общественное достояние");
3) Замещение реальных контактов с живыми людьми виртуальными "друзьями", поощрение социофобий, соблазн создания виртуальной личности с "идеальной" жизнью.
Конечно, это далеко не полный список возможностей и последствий, а только мое видение данной темы.
Negative aspects of Internet communication:
1) "Simplification" of the language through the use of symbols-emoji, picture memes and various slang expressions, designed to reduce the number of characters in the sentence;
2) Various forms of borrowing intellectual property (as a rule, what has got into the Internet is already "public domain");
3) Substituting real contacts with living people with virtual "friends", encouraging social phobias, the temptation to create a virtual person with an "ideal" life.
Of course, this is far from a complete list of opportunities and consequences, but only my vision of this topic.