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WRITING Form 10 Term I Variant 2 I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used 10 » and the verb in brackets. 1.1 (not to eat ) vegetables. Now I eat them every day. 2. My mun ( to drink) a lot of coffee, but now she prefers to drink tea. 3. VOU ( to live ) in a flat when you were young? II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets ( Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous) 1. She is free now. She (10 pass) her final exam. 2. David (to start) school in 1990. 3. It (to rain) for three hours. 4. They (to wait ) for us since 7 oclock. III. Use the 1" Conditional putting the verbs in the correct forms. 1. If you (to eat) too much junk food, you (not to lose weight. 2. If they (to have) time, they (to go) on holidav. 3. Irit (to rain), she (to take) a taxi. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to make the 2nd Conditional sentences. 1. If she ( 10 find) out the truth, she (to be) very happy 2. Iwe (not/ to like) his suggestion, we (to tell him about it. 3.1 (to visit) him in the hospital, if I to know about his illness. Write a letter of application for the course study

WRITING Form 10 Term I Variant 2 I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of used 10 » and th

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03.05.2023 03:20

A healthy lifestyle is a habit that every person in the modern world needs to adapt. So many people suffer from health issues from sitting too much, not exercising, eating fast food, stress. It is a phenomenon that we are progressing as a society but so many people suffer from health issues. It is common for some people to have fast food or pizza every day for dinner and drink sugary drinks many times a day, in addition to sitting more than 8 hours every day at work and using technology - listening to loud music and looking at bright screens for hours. It sounds like an exaggeration, but for many people this has become a reality. Are there really so many benefits from the healthy lifestyle? Is it really worth it? Many people are not willing to sacrifice money for healthy organic meals, time for the gym every day or even sacrificing their careers to spend daily time with their family - in the modern world, sometimes career comes first, and people forget how important for health is to have physical contact and converse with people in real life. Sometimes these things come from faily, if the parents aren't willing to put time and effort into healthy balanced meals and social time of their children, as well as sign them up for sport activities, it is unlikely that those things will become a habit and the children will continue doing those things in the future. So, it is not always easy to keep a healthy lifestyle in the modern world. But in my opnion, it is worth it. Every day I try to wake up earlier and exercise a little, then, I go shopping and buy healthy foods. Sometimes I cook meals in advance - that way I can not be tempted to buy fast food, because I will know that I already have meals at home. Of course, I also try to limit my time with technology. So, I'm not losing much, but I was lucky enough to be raised in a good family, so my parents taught me these simple habits from the time I was a kid, and I didn't have to sacrifice much at all. But for someone who has to switch from eating fast food every day and never exercising and spending their whole time with a phone, ending those habits must be hard! I am definitely for healthy lifestyle, because I believe that it is the only way to live a healthy and successful life.

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29.08.2022 19:40

Many people today go in for extreme sports. Perhaps, they find ordinary sports too boring and unexciting. It is also known that extreme sports help to build character and form a strong personality.

There are different types of extreme sports, for example, rock climbing, rafting, scuba diving, surfing, snowboarding, parachuting, hang-gliding, bungee jumping etc. These activities usually involve speed, height and a good level of physical training. However, they become more and more popular even among the beginners. Doing such sports people learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to survive in an emergency. It also develops patience and self-control, and helps to control your fear. More importantly, it gives the sense of achievement.

I have always been scared of parachuting, but surfing or windsurfing don’t seem frightening to me at all. I like doing these sports. Some people might think that they are rather dangerous or risky. They simply don’t know how it feels to be out there standing on the surfing board. I think when you risk you learn how to use your head before acting. Nowadays, many young people find these activities entertaining and spend their free time paragliding or surfing.

At the same time most adults think that there are safer sports, which also help to build your character. For example, swimming, football, ice hockey, skiing and some others. In conclusion I’d like to add that even though I don’t parachute or scuba dive myself, I admire people who dare to do such sports.

I think it requires a lot of courage and inner strength to do extreme sports.

(Многие люди сегодня занимаются экстремальными видами спорта. Возможно, обычные виды спорта им кажутся слишком скучным и неинтересным. Известно также, что экстремальные виды спорта развивать характер и формировать сильную личность.

Существуют различные виды экстремального спорта, например, скалолазание, рафтинг, дайвинг, серфинг, сноуборд, прыжки с парашютом, дельтапланеризм, прыжки с тарзанки и т.д. Эти виды деятельности обычно включают скорость, высоту и хороший уровень физической подготовки. Тем не менее, они становятся все более и более популярным даже среди новичков. Занимаясь такими видами спорта, люди учатся, как преодолевать сложные ситуации и как выживать в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Это также развивает терпение и самоконтроль, и контролировать свой страх. Что еще более важно, это дарит чувство достижения.

Я всегда боялся прыжков с парашютом, но серфинг и виндсерфинг мне вовсе не кажутся страшными. Мне нравится заниматься этими видами спорта. Некоторые люди могут подумать, что они довольно опасны и рискованны. Они просто не известны ощущения, которые испытываешь стоя на доске для серфинга. Я думаю, только рискуя, можно узнать, как использовать голову, прежде чем действовать. В настоящее время многие молодые люди считают такие виды деятельности занимательными и проводят свое свободное время за серфингом и парапланеризмом.

В то же время большинство взрослых считают, что есть более безопасные виды спорта, которые также развивать характер. Например, плавание, футбол, хоккей, катание на лыжах и некоторые другие. В заключение я хотел бы добавить, что, хотя я сам не прыгаю с парашютом или не занимаюсь дайвингом, я восхищаюсь людьми, которые осмеливаются заниматься такими видами спорта.

Я думаю, для того, чтобы заниматься экстремальными видами спорт требуется много мужества и внутренней силы.)

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