There are pros and cons to credit cards for students. Its benefit is that if you forget the money at home, you can send the money to your card. Because the card is small, you can put it on the back of the phone. Then the money on your card will not be lost. But it should always be filled. If you lose your card, all the money will be lost. You can close the bank account. If someone steals your card, they can spend your money. Similarly, fraudsters have appeared on the Internet. They will steal your money with the password of your card. Now that you've met someone on the Internet, you can't trust them. Therefore, it is important to keep the card in a safe place
121. It was so dark that we could ... see the objects. c) hardly 122. When Mary came home ... her parents were very angry. a) late 123. The friends lived in the same b) street 124. She didn't explain ... of her absence. b) the reason 125. His brother works ... a doctor at our hospital. b) as 126. Jane is the ... daughter in the family. c) only 127. To do the exercise the pupils had to ... in the blanks. c) fill 128. Young people hate ... hats in winter. b) wearing 129. What... is spoken in your family? b) language 130. He delivered a bright... at the conference. c) speech 131. My friend likes to ... a bicycle when the weather is fine. b) ride 132. I know that he ... some foreign language. d) speaks 133. The ... of a large sum of money upset her. d) loss 134. The farmers ... cows and pigs on their farm. b) breed 135. He always gets up ... in the morning. b) early 136. The writer published the book of ... short stories. b) selected 137. Ann is short of money, she can't... this dress. b) buy 138. The ... of this book is not high. b) price 139. The plane was flying ... in the sky. a) high 140. They kissed each other and ... good-bye. d) said 141. Who ... you English in your school? d) taught 142. After dinner the friends were ... the film they had watched the day before. b) discussing 143. The Brown’s can’t ... such a house, they are short of money. c) afford 144. The phone is ringing, can you ... it? c) answer 145. Margy ... beautiful in her new dress. b) looks 146. The student got a good … for his composition. c) mark 147. The … of the clock moved and stopped forever. b) hand 148. Bob is very busy because he … to the university every day and has to learn a lot. c) goes 149. Little Charlie always … his bed by himself. d) makes 150. The elder sister … to teach her younger brother how to use the phone. c) tries 151. The teacher … many pictures of London after her visit to Great Britain. a) took 152. When the classes … the student went home. b) were over 153. The teacher … several mistakes in the student’s paper. c) found 154. A lot of people go in for sport and regard it their … . c) hobby 155. We took a taxi and … at the station in time. d) arrived 156. Soon it … raining and the sun appeared in the sky shining brightly. a) stopped 157. Football is a popular … which is played all over the world. b) game 158. The students … in the classroom to discuss their project. a) gathered 159. Bill never … his mind after his final decision. a) changes 160. Jane lives … the park so she often goes for walks there. b) near 161. The car is … to drive that’s why I have bought it. b) easy 162. After a long break the friends were glad … each other again. b) to see 163. The family … the summer in the mountains far from civilization. a) spent 164. June was … the whole week preparing for her final exams. c) busy 165. They carried their luggage to the car which was … them near the platform. b) waiting for 166. Usually farmers … trees in spring when the earth is warm. a) plant 167. He … to help me in my difficult work. c) offered 168. Ann … her purse at home and couldn’t do shopping. b) left 169. Pete can’t … a car that’s why he had to take a taxi. a) drive
There are pros and cons to credit cards for students. Its benefit is that if you forget the money at home, you can send the money to your card. Because the card is small, you can put it on the back of the phone. Then the money on your card will not be lost. But it should always be filled. If you lose your card, all the money will be lost. You can close the bank account. If someone steals your card, they can spend your money. Similarly, fraudsters have appeared on the Internet. They will steal your money with the password of your card. Now that you've met someone on the Internet, you can't trust them. Therefore, it is important to keep the card in a safe place
c) hardly
122. When Mary came home ... her parents were very angry.
a) late
123. The friends lived in the same
b) street
124. She didn't explain ... of her absence.
b) the reason
125. His brother works ... a doctor at our hospital.
b) as
126. Jane is the ... daughter in the family.
c) only
127. To do the exercise the pupils had to ... in the blanks.
c) fill
128. Young people hate ... hats in winter.
b) wearing
129. What... is spoken in your family?
b) language
130. He delivered a bright... at the conference.
c) speech
131. My friend likes to ... a bicycle when the weather is fine.
b) ride
132. I know that he ... some foreign language.
d) speaks
133. The ... of a large sum of money upset her.
d) loss
134. The farmers ... cows and pigs on their farm.
b) breed
135. He always gets up ... in the morning.
b) early
136. The writer published the book of ... short stories.
b) selected
137. Ann is short of money, she can't... this dress.
b) buy
138. The ... of this book is not high.
b) price
139. The plane was flying ... in the sky.
a) high
140. They kissed each other and ... good-bye.
d) said
141. Who ... you English in your school?
d) taught
142. After dinner the friends were ... the film they had watched the day before.
b) discussing
143. The Brown’s can’t ... such a house, they are short of money.
c) afford
144. The phone is ringing, can you ... it?
c) answer
145. Margy ... beautiful in her new dress.
b) looks
146. The student got a good … for his composition.
c) mark
147. The … of the clock moved and stopped forever.
b) hand
148. Bob is very busy because he … to the university every day and has to learn a lot.
c) goes
149. Little Charlie always … his bed by himself.
d) makes
150. The elder sister … to teach her younger brother how to use the phone.
c) tries
151. The teacher … many pictures of London after her visit to Great Britain.
a) took
152. When the classes … the student went home.
b) were over
153. The teacher … several mistakes in the student’s paper.
c) found
154. A lot of people go in for sport and regard it their … .
c) hobby
155. We took a taxi and … at the station in time.
d) arrived
156. Soon it … raining and the sun appeared in the sky shining brightly.
a) stopped
157. Football is a popular … which is played all over the world.
b) game
158. The students … in the classroom to discuss their project.
a) gathered
159. Bill never … his mind after his final decision.
a) changes
160. Jane lives … the park so she often goes for walks there.
b) near
161. The car is … to drive that’s why I have bought it.
b) easy
162. After a long break the friends were glad … each other again.
b) to see
163. The family … the summer in the mountains far from civilization.
a) spent
164. June was … the whole week preparing for her final exams.
c) busy
165. They carried their luggage to the car which was … them near the platform.
b) waiting for
166. Usually farmers … trees in spring when the earth is warm.
a) plant
167. He … to help me in my difficult work.
c) offered
168. Ann … her purse at home and couldn’t do shopping.
b) left
169. Pete can’t … a car that’s why he had to take a taxi.
a) drive