Writing Task 3. Choese a topic and write a campaign letter. Use cennecters te link ideas. Topic 1. Therec is an orphanage with poor facilities in the towm/ village where you live. You need to write a campaign letter to a local administration asking them for help. Topic 2. Your neighbour's little house is so old that it can be ruined anytime but he does not have any money to help himself. You need to write a campaign letter to raise money for the reconstruction. Topic 3. Your classmate is suffering from a scrious discase and he needs a big sum of moncy for his treatment. To help him you need to write a campaign letter to raise the funding
Photo 1: In the photo depicted man. He dressed in T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. He is running. I like the photo because running is good.
Photo 2:In the photo depicted boy. He dressed in jumpsuit, pilot's hat and shirt. I think he playing in airplane. He is happy.
Photo 3:In the photo depicted person. He is sunbathes. He is located on the beach. He is happy.
I've chosen photo number 1. In the photo depicted man. He dressed in T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. He is running. I like the photo because running is good.
Эти подготовленные воспитатели работают в школах учащимся развивать самоуважение, знания и навыки, делать позитивный выбор в отношении укрепления здоровья и вести здоровый образ жизни.
These trained educators are used in schools to help pupils to develop their self-esteem, knowledge and skills and to make positive health choices and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Он идеально подходит тем, кто стремится вести здоровый образ жизни.
It is ideal for those who want to lead a healthy life.
В целях охраны семьи суданское государство выдвинуло лозунг "Спорт для всех!", с тем чтобы все граждане могли вести здоровый образ жизни.
With a view to protecting the family, the Sudanese State has raised the slogan of "sports for all", so that all citizens may lead a healthy life.
Нам необходимо сосредоточить наши усилия на образовании и разработке такой государственной политики, которая бы всему населению вести здоровый образ жизни.
We must focus on education and on developing public policies to make it easier for the whole population to lead healthy lives.
Далее представитель подчеркнул важность профилактики неинфекционных заболеваний и программ само которые могут дать пожилым людям, их семьям и общинам знания о том, как вести здоровый образ жизни.
The representative further stressed the importance of prevention with regard to non-communicable diseases and self-care programmes to equip older persons, their families and communities with the knowledge to lead healthy lives.
Это подтверждается тем фактом, что в настоящее время, как считается, около 800 млн. человек в развивающихся странах страдают от хронического недоедания и лишены возможности ежедневно иметь достаточное питание, позволяющее вести здоровый образ жизни.
That this is so is illustrated by the fact that nearly 800 million people in the developing world are currently considered to be chronically undernourished, not being able to receive a daily diet that is adequate to allow them to lead healthy lives.
Малоимущее и находящееся в неблагоприятном положении население должно иметь возможность вести здоровый образ жизни в кругу своих семей, а службы здравоохранения должны более эффективно и соблюдая принцип справедливости удовлетворять потребности в медицинском обслуживании малоимущего населения в случае НИЗ и травм.
The poor and disadvantaged must be able to lead a healthy life with their families, and health-care services must respond more effectively and equitably to the health-care needs of poor people with NCDs and injuries.
Мы стремимся научить людей, инфицированных ВИЧ, вести здоровый образ жизни.
We have taught people living with HIV about how they should live healthy lives.