Writing task you recently received a f
riend you
met at a language school in London. Read part of
his email and write your reply.
Writo your letter in about 100 words. Include
these poinThank your friend for the
say you
On Wednes
I'm going to a panext
I'm som to hear about
• I'm sure you will do b
• Come and visit
• Why don't you visit the summer
Themselves Aztecs called themselves "Mechin" or "tenochka" and "atlaltelolka" - depending on the city of origin (Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco). As to the origin of the word "Mexica» (mexica. From which, in fact, is the word "Mexico"), it expressed a very different version of its etymology: the word "Sun" in Nahuatl, the Aztec name of the leader Meshitli (Meksitli, Mekshitli) - type of algae grows in lake Texcoco. The most famous translator of Nahuatl Miguel Leon-Portilla, says that the word means "middle of the Moon." Self-name "tenochki" possibly comes from the name Tenocha - another legendary leader.
Amur tigers there are not much more than 200. About 50 are under protection in China, another 100 in Russia. Coloring them like a normal tiger, except that sometimes on the back there are white stripes, I think there's nothing more to say about them. And I can draw such a conclusion, nature must be protected, or soon all animals are like will be in the Red Book.
Амурский тигр - очень редкий и практически вымирающий вид тигров, в мире Амурских тигров осталось небольше 200. Около 50, находятся под защитой в Китае, еще 100 в России. Окраска у них как у обычного тигра, разве что иногда на спине бывает видны белые полосы, я думаю больше нечего сказать о них. И природу надо беречь,а то скоро все животные как и Амурский тигр, окажутся в Красной книге.
Заранее не за что )), я в Английском профи ))