Inorganic substances (inorganic compounds) — simple substances and compounds that are not organic, that is, do not contain carbon, as well as some carbon-containing compounds (carbides, cyanides, carbonates, carbon oxides C2O, CO and CO2 and some other substances[⇨], which are traditionally classified as inorganic). Inorganic substances do not have a carbon skeleton characteristic of organic substances.
Bio-products (also organic products) — agricultural and food products manufactured without the use (or with less use) of synthetic pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, artificial food additives . The introduction of "organic production" leads to a decrease in yield, an increase in the duration of production and an increase in prices.
Inorganic substances (inorganic compounds) — simple substances and compounds that are not organic, that is, do not contain carbon, as well as some carbon-containing compounds (carbides, cyanides, carbonates, carbon oxides C2O, CO and CO2 and some other substances[⇨], which are traditionally classified as inorganic). Inorganic substances do not have a carbon skeleton characteristic of organic substances.
Bio-products (also organic products) — agricultural and food products manufactured without the use (or with less use) of synthetic pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, artificial food additives . The introduction of "organic production" leads to a decrease in yield, an increase in the duration of production and an increase in prices.
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