Writing. Write about sport. The following questions will help you in writing. 1. What kind of sport do your family members like? 2. What is your favourite one? 3. Do you play sport? What sport do you play? Why? 4. Do you prefer playing sport or watching it? Why? 5. What is the most popular sport in your country? Do yo like it? 6. What are the advantages of playing сор подписиваюсь англ яз
Сделать вопросы ниже задачи.Задать и ответить на вопрос партнера.Пример:выяснить, где ваш партнер провел свои последние летние каникулы.Ты:где ты провел свои последние летние каникулы?●узнайте, где ваш партнер провел свои последние летние каникулы.●Узнайте если вы партнер любит путешествовать.●Выясните, есть ли ваш партнер был за границей.●узнайте, сколько городов ваш партнер посетил.●узнайте любимой стране вашего партнера.●выяснить, если ваш партнер укачало.●узнайте, какой транспорт ваш партнер предпочитает.
1 We had a great time in Madrid. 2 Sally wrote a letter to Jim. 3 I sent my regards to her parents. 4 She never wore sunglasses. 5 Dan found somebody else's watch. 6 We went to the city centre 7 His grandparents became older. 8 The teacher began the lesson five minutes earlier. 9 The neighbours' dog bit me. 10 Somebody broke their window. 11 Nina got the job of a waitress easily. 12 I grew up in the land of high mountains. 13 They overcame the difficulties. 14 He could rely on them. 15 Lena paid the monthly rent.
2 Sally wrote a letter to Jim.
3 I sent my regards to her parents.
4 She never wore sunglasses.
5 Dan found somebody else's watch.
6 We went to the city centre
7 His grandparents became older.
8 The teacher began the lesson five minutes earlier.
9 The neighbours' dog bit me.
10 Somebody broke their window.
11 Nina got the job of a waitress easily.
12 I grew up in the land of high mountains.
13 They overcame the difficulties.
14 He could rely on them.
15 Lena paid the monthly rent.